Friday, March 20, 2009

Blogger Gets Visit from Law Enforcement after Letter to U.S. Attorney

[Editor's note: Does a complaint filed, or a letter written to a judge justify such a forceful response from law enforcement? Differing opinions such as bloggers post have long been an integral part of politics in general. Is Obama going to muzzle all dissenting opinions?]

From Phil at The Right Side of Life.

Submitted by Phil on Fri, Mar 20, 2009

Blogger Gets Visit from Law Enforcement after Letter to US Attorney

After hearing from The Washington Times about one private citizen being visited by US Marshals on account of a letter that citizen wrote to Judge James Robertson, TheObamaFile is reporting the following:

Freeper RaceBannon just heard from Freeper Flightline, a personal friend and mutual acquaintance of Walt Fitzpatrick. Walt, an Annapolis graduate (1975), just got a visit from 3 to 4 Police Cruisers and one unmarked Government car from Knoxville, Tennessee. Walt was informed that his most recent column, which he filed as a criminal complaint in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Knoxville, Tennessee, was being responded to as a criminal complaint against Walter himself; that the complaint he filed was ignored and was the basis for the complaint against himself.

The criminal Complaint against Walt specifically stated that Walter’s complaint was considered a threat against the President of the United States.

Walter was interviewed by these officers in his yard and house and openly stated his belief of his criminal complaint along with his own personal documentation to defend his complaint and why he believed it to be true.

Walter was not arrested and the officers who visited his home responded by telling him the apparent threat against Obama was unfounded and they left the premises without incident.

Walter was not arrested, no search of his home was done and the officers were professional.

Again, here is the specific posting that is causing some heartburn with someone affiliated with law enforcement… (warning! lots of pics below!)

While I am sure that many of this site’s adversaries will come up with all kinds of excuses as to why this particular blogger deserves a visit from federal (or other) authorities (maybe some individuals will even come up with a personal reason for why this blogger has no right to his opinion), I would like to know the following:

Have any of the following been investigated when the White House occupant was from a different party?

  • A Google search on “kill Bush
  • Identifying the folks in these pictures:

No? I didn’t think so. Instead, here is what everyone is apparently being asked to do:

And, if you don’t? We’re going to send law enforcement after you, basically telling you to shut the hades up:

…and my personal favorite:

Spin, spin, spin you illegitimizers! Go for it!


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