Sunday, June 28, 2009

My Ramblings...

Sorry that I've been absent for a while. Just the usual, life kicking things into high gear. :)

Friends and Fellow Patriots: My heart yearns for our Nation to return to its original roots. A time when people "assumed" that everyone else believed in God--and it was true, so the assumption was a fair and good one.

It was a time of huge financial risk--most of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence lost everything they owned or possessed, and some lost their families as a result of their signatures and pledge to each other when they signed that providential document.

Fast forward to our present day and time. Our Nation has drifted far from the principles upon which it was founded. Is there any hope? Are we to believe all the gloom and doom from conservative groups who urge us to stockpile food, water and ammunition? I suppose it doesn't hurt to take prudent precautions, although I'm not sure about all you tube videos showing barren crop land. Depends upon what time of the year the video was taken, doesn't it?

Let me ask you this question: what is your idea of the ideal congressional candidate? Must the perfect candidate embrace or deny the sanctity of human life? Should s/he be known as an honest person? Known as a "small government" person? Known for his/her integrity? Known for keeping their word? Known for valuing principle over party? Okay, that was several questions. :)

Let me ask you another question: are you tired of the way our present political system runs today? I know I certainly am. I'm tired of the democrats (and have been for years, decades), but now I'm tired of the republicans, too. It is abundantly clear that neither party functions with honesty or integrity. They are two wings on the same bird of prey! Their main objective is to retain the (unconstitutional) power they've grabbed over the years when I wasn't paying attention to what they were doing. It is a contest between the Ds and Rs, to see how many each one can get elected to Congress. It is almost a game with them. The House Speaker has shown me this year that she doesn't give a hoot about "we the people." She is so intoxicated with the new power she garnered in the last election that she can't see straight (she also has trouble recognizing the truth).

Tell me, do you have any concern about the way in which our democratic party leaders in Congress are holding private meetings and scheduling votes on volumes of legislation that no one even has the time to read? Do you have any concern about Mr. Obama paying so many attorneys to keep what would normally be public records private? Does it bother you when he goes to Europe and apologizes for the American people, saying we're arrogant? Does it bother you when he tells muslim nations that the US is not, nor has it ever been, at war with Islam? Does it bother you that he gave $20Million to Hamas refugees? Encouraging them to immigrate to the United States? Does it bother you that he wants to bring all the terrorists that have been housed at GITMO to the United States? Do you really want those evil minds here in our country? I guess my description of the terrorists betrays my feelings about the proposal. :)

If there were a political party in existence that valued grassroots politics and placed principle over party, would you be interested? A party that would support the principled conservatives no matter what their party affiliation? A closed association party that requires those wishing to affiliate to read, agree and sign an affiliation agreement? Would you be interested? I was. I was hooked from the first moment, and I have not been sorry! :D

America's Independent Party (AIP) makes it very easy to support principled candidates, regardless of party. If you are disappointed to see current leadership putting forth the same type of liberal candidates that has plagued them for the past several elections, you will find America's Independent Party refreshing.

As you can tell from what I've written above, I am greatly concerned about the future of our Nation. I believe that if we do not return to our founding roots that our nation will be lost. All the blood shed over our 233 years will have been in vain. Folks, it is time to take our country back to its conservative roots. I'm as serious as a heart attack here. If we do not regain control of the US house and senate with truly conservative SERVANTS (not dictators) in 2010, there may not be an election to worry about in 2012. The possibility even exists that there may not be elections in 2010. I choose to believe there will be elections, because I can't stand to think about it any other way.

I know that many of you can't stand to think about the viability of a 3rd party. I ask that you listen to two or three town halls and read our constitution and plaftorm at AIP is a uniquely structured, closed association political party. I personally believe that once you take a look and listen, you will feel as though you've finally come home from a long wandering in the wilderness. That's how I felt, anyway.

I'll leave you with this question: Do you want principled politics or unbridled politics?

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