[I can't say it any better than this, folks. You'll find the original essay here.]
Limbaugh Makes a Case Against a Third Party Solution
Monday, September 14, 2009
by Bob Bailey
In the aftermath of the September 12 Tea Party March on Washington, Rush Limbaugh ended his radio show attempting to make the case that America should not attempt to start a third party. I guess if you could not envision a different way to do politics then this would be sound advice.
However, some citizens see a way ahead where national party leadership is replaced by local citizen leadership -- one in which National and State organizations exists for serving local caucuses functioning in neighborhoods across the land, rather than the other way around.
Limbaugh's argument that there is a difference between the Republican and Democrat party sounds hollow given the two candidates offered in the last election. It sounds hollow given that the last Republican President abandoned the free market system (allegedly to save it). It sounds hollow given the actions taken by the Republican party when they had control of the government. Well, actions speak loader than words, and this American is taking action.
Recently a Republican leader in Maryland attempted to make the same argument. She suggested I should contact her later, that she would fix the problem with the Republican party. THEY STILL AREN'T GETTING IT. We the people are taking our rightful place in our constitutional self-government. Any party who fields a principled leader worthy of the name will be supported, but we the people will decide, not a broken political party machine. I for one care not about parties, only principles. And I am not going to compromise my principles, which is why I have affiliated with the Maryland Independent Party, and nationally with America's Independent Party.
I say declare your independence from the two-party system, and sign the Declaration of Independence from the Two-Party System....then participate in America's Caucus Training Institute, which are regularly-scheduled, one-hour training sessions, five days per week, Tuesday through Saturdays, at 11:00 am Eastern time. -- All are welcome.
Phone number: 218-339-2222
Access Code: 340794#
For Life, Liberty, and the Constitution,
Bob Bailey is a volunteer for the Maryland Independent Party for Frederick County. He is a second generation US Army officer and his son is currently serving in the United States Marines. Mr. Bailey can be contacted at AIP-Frederick@MarylandIndependentParty.org.
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