Friday, October 30, 2009

The Soda Pop Candidate

My favorite Iowa Independent has composed another great article. Since I know him to be a good, God-fearing man, I have no problem giving him all the extra exposure that I can muster. Go Tom Shaw!!!! Go Iowa!  This article was copied, with permission of the author, from the Iowa Defense Alliance website.

Guest Commentary: The Politics of Soda Pop Part Two
Posted on October 27, 2009 by Al Bregar

The Politics of Soda Pop, Part Two

By Tom Shaw

Independent Candidate for Iowa House District 8

“However (political parties) may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”

(George Washington, Farewell Address, Sept. 17, 1796)

I recently wrote an article in which I described the Republican Party’s abandonment of its core social values contained in its party platform in order to attract moderate voters. In short, I likened it to the disastrous results when Coca-Cola changed its recipe to “New Coke” in order to attract Pepsi drinkers. But the “politics of soda pop” doesn’t stop there.

Years ago I watched an interview with an executive from RC Cola on a television news magazine. He described the power and leverage that was held by both Pepsi and Coke in the soft drink market. His assertion was that although the two soda giants were in fierce competition with each other, they colluded together to make sure that no other soft drink company could successfully expand its market share. A clear example of this was provided when he told about his company not being able to purchase vending machines in order to sell its product. According to him, when RC Cola would order vending machines from a manufacturer, Pepsi and Coke would buy up the machines at a higher price in order to keep them from being used by RC Cola.

George Washington was clearly, and justifiably, concerned about the inevitable corruption which would prevail if political parties misused their power. His ominous prediction has clearly come to pass in recent years. Both major parties, Democratic and Republican, have gained such a stranglehold of power, for the sole sake of power, that they will collude together to make sure no other voice is heard. They, like Pepsi and Coke, do not want any outside competition and therefore will link hands together in order to stifle any challengers to their dominion. The two parties have become very adept at conditioning voters that they are the only game in town. Want proof? Just tell someone that you are going to vote for a candidate that is not a “D” or an “R”. You will be labeled as a nut and be told that you are just wasting your vote, for everyone knows we have a “two-party system.”

But the electorate is waking up and openly defying the parties. The ranks of independent voters are swelling and the parties are experiencing a mass exodus. “We the People” are starting to demand not only more choices in candidates, but candidates that truly represent their values. Our election system was never meant to result in “I voted for the lesser of two evils,” but rather that voters should have a range of options so that they can say “I voted for good today.”

As an RC Cola candidate, I know the challenges that I face in overcoming the party system. The parties have mutually designed the “straight ticket” voting process to purposely inhibit candidates like myself. The “straight ticket” argument is also used as leverage to force or coerce candidates to run on a Democratic or Republican ticket. I say it is time for the voters to shed their party shackles and vote based on their principles. And I end this with a reminder from Samuel Adams, “Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote ... that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.”

Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Fed Up Republican Vents

Another stellar article from Tom Shaw in Iowa. Our nation needs 100s more just like him!

By Tom Shaw
Independent Candidate for Iowa House District 8
October 23rd, 2009

I received a very interesting copy of a letter today in the mail. It was written by a gentleman who lives outside of my district, and it was addressed to Senator Snowe. The author had written the Senator to voice his disapproval of her recent vote on the health care bill. And then, the topic turned to Republican politics here in Iowa. His letter reflects the growing anger and distrust of the Republican Party, and represents the attitude of an ever increasing number of the voters in my district.

I thought I’d share a couple of excerpts from his letter:

“In Iowa, we have had several Republicans like Tom Shaw quit the party and are going to be running as an Independent for various offices. Quite frankly, I don’t blame them and am thinking about doing the same myself next year. This especially after the way the party treated Joe Wilson and your recent vote. It is d**n sad when Independents are more than willing to stand up for a party platform than a member of that very party. Just Saturday the Iowa GOP called asking for money. He hung up on me when I started to tell him how upset I was. The party thinks it is more important to win an election than advance the platform. Well how did that work out for you with Jim Leach coming out for Obama? President Bush coming out for Arlen Spector? Or a leader in the Iowa GOP party stabbing Chris Reed in the back against Harkin? And just this week we didn’t hear a word from the Iowa GOP when the head of the local NAACP came out for Vander Plaats. Could it be that they were too busy kissing “raised the sales tax twice, went to court over budget tricks, put judges on the bench who gave us gay marriage” Terry Brandstad’s ring?

“You better get used to being in the minority because you will never get the base behind you again. The base, like me, live by principle, what do you do? And don’t give me the line about having to be in the majority to get anything done. You cannot even vote right in the minority so how can I trust you later?....”

John B. Johnson
Britt, Iowa

Thursday, October 15, 2009

It IS my business...

[Tom Shaw is an independent candidate running in the great state of Iowa for the Iowa state legislature.  I wish I was part of his district so that I could vote for such a strong candidate.]

October 9, 2009

Tom W. Shaw

I have a confession to make. Simply, I have been unworried, untroubled and unconcerned. I was unwilling to take the time to study the subject of life and unenthusiastic about preserving it. Abortion didn’t affect me, so, why should I invest any thought into the debate? Although I did not believe in abortion, I was disposed to allowing the mother to make her own decision … she would have to live with it. In short, it was none of my business.

A few years back, during the process of a sexual assault investigation, I was sent to get evidence at a Planned Parenthood clinic. The alleged victim in the case decided to have an abortion and I was to pick up the aborted fetus and take it to the crime lab for DNA analysis. And to the clinic I went, totally unprepared for what I was to encounter. I told an employee that I was there to retrieve a fetus. I was immediately told that it was not a fetus, rather, it was a “product of conception.” Moments later, I was handed a small, plastic bag. (Another confession: My stomach turned violently and I almost vomited.) I did not see a “product of conception” in that bag, I saw a murdered baby. It’s hard to relate the emotional turmoil that I subsequently went through. I can, and frequently do, deal with dead bodies. But I was totally repulsed by the fact that riding next to me in my patrol car, in a cooler, packed in ice, was an innocent victim who was robbed of the opportunity to live its life.

It is my business. No longer will I allow those who support abortion to dehumanize a baby by calling it a “product of conception.”

It is my business. No longer will I fail to uphold my duty to protect all innocent life.

It is my business. No longer will I violate my oath by not defending the God given right to life.

It is my business. No longer shall I be complacent.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


[I haven't done a shameless plug for America's Independent Party in a while, so I'm trying to catch up, lol. Seriously, I hope you will take a thoughtful look at AIP, and that you will find our principles to be the same as your principles.]

America’s Independent Party is

Our purpose? The same as the stated purpose of the U.S. Constitution: “To secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”

That’s why we’re pro-life and pro-liberty, and will always unswervingly support a strong and secure America.

Along with the signers of the Declaration of Independence, we believe in the self-evident truth that all men are created equal, that our unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness come from our Creator, and that just government can only exist by the consent of the governed.

We call these “America’s Principles.”

We are recruiting, training and equipping a new generation of leaders – patriotic men and women who will courageously act to implement those principles.

History proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt: AMERICA’S PRINCIPLES WORK when the people put them into practice.

America’s Independent Party is committed to restoring government of, by and for the people – not just in words, but by DEDICATED, ORGANIZED, UNITED ACTION.

America’s Independent Party endorses candidates based on principle, not party affiliation. As principled Independents, we intend to change America’s political culture by example.

Like President Ronald Reagan, we firmly support a policy of Peace through Strength.

We support our troops and our veterans. We demand secure borders and a strict adherence to the rule of law when it comes to immigration policy.

We will always remember 9-11-2001, when America was attacked, the towers fell, and America’s heroes, average citizens, gave their lives to save others.

We are completely committed to free enterprise and economic liberty, and have a practical plan to restore economic prosperity, for the sake of our posterity.

Our nation’s political leaders have failed, because they have abandoned America’s Principles. A DEDICATED, ORGANIZED, UNITED conservative movement, made up of, and led by, average citizens, is the only hope that exists for saving America from the results of those failures.

If you believe as we do, please join with us today:


[This was a part of my Pastor's weekly Wednesday email.  I thought is was good enough to be a short blog post.  I hope everyone who reads this post draws encouragement enough to keep going.  I certainly found it to be a Blessing.]

I think about all the adversity that so many seem to be going through, and know that it is not easy.  I came across this quote by Augustine of Hippo:  "In all trouble you should seek God. You should not set Him over against your troubles, but within them. God can only relieve your troubles if you in your anxiety cling to Him. Trouble should not really be thought of as this thing or that in particular, for our whole life on earth involves trouble; and through the troubles of our earthly pilgrimage we find God."

Wishing you God's best,
Pastor Dean

Monday, October 12, 2009

Remember Them On Veterans' Day

My good friend, Emery McClendon, is a ham radio operator, and avid supporter of our veterans and military troops everywhere. He asked that I post this information far and wide, so I'm doing all I can to get the word out. I'm not a ham radio operator, but I'm with Emery--lets ham it up for Veterans' Day, November 11!

By Emery McClendon

Veterans Day is approaching. Our Troops, and Veterans deserve our support for their sacrifice to protect our freedom, and the Constitution of this great nation. They also are deployed in many locations around the globe defending American interest, and allowing others to enjoy freedom.

This year Amateur Radio Operators have been asked to open up to the public and provide a service to our communities so that anyone may express thanks and appreciation "live" over the air waves. Amateur Radio is a unique hobby in that we are able to have instant access to the world via radio.

If you know an Amateur Radio Operator ask him or her to join in for this event at a VA Hospital, local Veterans Day Parade, VFW, DAV or American Legion Post and allow the public to salute our Troops, and Veterans.

Our Troops are in need of our support as we are hearing reports that morale may be low.
It would be wonderful if our Troops, and Veterans could wake up on November 11TH and be greeted by our thankful voices worldwide via Ham Radio during the day.

Spread the word, and locate an Amateur Radio Operator near you and set up a location for this to happen. Contact the media, and have them cover the event.

Together we can make this Veterans Day a special one for Troops, Veterans, and their families.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

No Choice for Silence--Alan Keyes Speech

[I copied this valuable information from]

Former UN Representative, African-American, ALAN KEYES had previously heard pro-abortion statements throughout the day of the gathering of the present Republican candidates for President in New Hampshire on February 19, 1995. A passion came over him. He stepped up to the microphone at that banquet and gave the following speech:
"I am actually from the great state of Maryland, where my ancestors have lived for the last 200 years, sometimes as free men and women and sometimes as slaves.

"And I realized as I was listening to the speakers who came before me that I come at an important juncture in this program. Because I think that the great alternatives have been laid before you tonight. And we Republicans are going to have to decide again, as we have had to decide in the past, whether we shall only speak of justice and speak of principle or whether we shall stand and fight for them! Whether we shall quote from the words of the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE with real conviction or whether we shall take that document and throw it on the ash heap of history as we adopt the message of those who say that we can stand silent in the face of injustice!

"When it comes to deciding whether we shall stand by the great principle that declares that all human beings are created equal and endowed by their Creator with the right to life, there is no choice for silence! THERE IS NO CHOICE FOR SILENCE!

"And I can tell you right now, that those who are recommending that we pull the "Pro-Life" plank out of the Republican Party platform are recommending as some people decided in the Whig Party in the years before the Civil War that they would be silent on the great issue of principle that faced this nation, we shall be silent. The Republican Party grew up as a Party aimed at dealing with that moral irresponsibility. At standing on the principle that Lincoln articulated, that 'You can not have the right to do what is wrong.'

"And I'll tell you, we have heard a lot of people tonight. They talk about the money and they talk about the budget. But you and I both know, if we are willing to look ourselves in the eye what the truth is. Why is it that we spend so much money on welfare and illegitimacy? Why is it that we spend so much money on crime and violence in our streets? Why is it even that we spend so much money dealing with the problem of irresponsible behavior that contributes to the decline of the health of this nation? I think you all know in your hearts what the real answer is. We don't have MONEY problems. We have MORAL problems. And it's time we stood up and faced that truth!

"And I don't know how, I don't know how we're going to face that truth. If as what's suggested here today we can look our daughters in the eye and tell them that it is somehow consistent with freedom for them to trample on the human rights of their unborn offspring.

"We're going to have find the courage one of these days to tell people that freedom is not an easy discipline. Freedom is not a choice for those who are lazy in their heart and in their respect for their own moral capacities. Freedom requires that at the end of the day, you accept the constraint that is required, the respect for the laws of nature and nature's God that say unequivocally that your daughters do not have the right to do what is wrong, that our sons do not have the right to do what is wrong. They do not have the right to steal bread from the mouths of the innocent, they do not have the right to steal life from the womb of the unborn.

"And I'll tell you, some people may say, that if we stand up and we speak out and we fight for that principle we'll be dividing the Republican Party. But I don't think so. This Party was born on a clear commitment to principle. This Party was born of those who had the courage to stand before the American people and in the face of the threat of a greater division than we'll ever face, insist that we had to respect the principle that make us great, the principles that make us strong, the principles that make us free.

"Look at what's happening in the streets of our cities, look at what's happening to our families today. Do you think that the decline of marriage and the moral disillusion of the family is a money problem? Or do you think it's a problem that comes from putting the self first from deciding that there are no obligations that have to be respected and that at the end of the day, freedom is just another kind of empty licentiousness? We know better and our Founders knew better and it's time that we get back to the truth. They did not tell us that freedom would be an easy road. They offered us a true vision of the future of America. It was NOT a vision of licentious freedom and stupid self-indulgence. It was a vision of freedom based upon the fear of God and the respect for law.

"And why is it, that out of the mouths of all our statesmen and we hear all these great emotional words but they won't speak the simple truths that our Founders from Washington through Jefferson to Lincoln and every President spoke until we got to our own cowardly times? We are not going to remain a free people if we insist on being a corrupt and licentious people. We are not going to remain a free people if we arrogate to ourselves the right to destroy the rights of others. And that's exactly what we are doing when we embrace the so-called "pro-choice", the truly pro-abortion agenda.

"My friends, I think it's empty to praise the courage of the men and women who have died in the service of this country's freedom and its principles and yet decide that we shall lack the courage to stand up for those principles, many or few, or even alone if we must. Because that is in fact the courage that built America.

"This nation was not as some would have us believe a dream of material progress and prosperity and great cities and mountains of money. I'm glad that we have achieved that prosperity, even though it came at much expense to some of my forebearers. Those who toiled in the depths of slavery, they had an understanding of the real dream of American freedom. It's the dream of moral dignity that comes from respecting our true moral capacity. It's the dream of self-government that comes from respecting the fact that in the end, freedom is not just a choice, it is not just an opportunity. It can be a burden and a sacrifice and an obligation. And above all, it is the obligation to respect the truth of our moral identity. That moral identity can unite us across every line of race and color and creed so long as we have the courage to stand for it.

"Now I think you know by now, looking at the Clinton Administration, that if we as Republicans abandon that line of principle, it will surely be abandoned in America. But I can also tell you this in warning, that if you abandon that line of principle, there are Americans who will fight few or many, alone if we must, to make sure that it prevails. And in every point in our history, when we had the choice between right and wrong, in the end, this country chose what was right. And we can be grateful for it. And I think we shall do so again, because we know that the real heroes in America are those in their families and in their daily lives respect the truth that we must meet the obligations and sacrifices of freedom before we claim its privileges and benefits.

"And if that means as well that 'come what may.' Even if it means that we must sacrifice in our personal lives we have to stand where our Founders stood on the belief that you cannot have the right to do what is wrong, but that if we build self-government on a true adherence to the principles of justice, then we shall hold up a beacon of right and hope for all of human kind to understand the true destiny of mankind. Thank-you."
My favorite part of the speech was when Alan Keyes said,
" ... But I can also tell you this in warning, that if you
abandon that line of principle, there are
Americans who will fight
few or many, alone if we must, to
make sure that it
prevails. And in every point in our
history, when we had the
choice between
right and wrong, in the end, this country
chose what was
right. And we can be grateful for it ... "
Alan Keyes, 1995

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Turning Point
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Tuesday, October 6
Who Can You Trust?
But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all Your works.
Psalm 73:28

Recommended Reading
Proverbs 3:5-6

Television reality shows that feature a group of contestants make trust a central focus.  Not surprisingly, the contestants often betray one another's trust as they joust for advantage and position leading to the show's finale.  Such a me-first mentality is reflective of values often found in the world. Becoming transparent and honest with others is a risk that relationships require.
Fortunately, there is someone whose word is eminently trustworthy: God Himself. Scripture is filled with proof that God keeps His word. Indeed, trust is at the very heart of God's covenant love—first for Israel and then for the church. The Hebrew word in the Old Testament usually translated "lovingkindness" literally means "loyal love"—the kind of love that never ends. Through the prophet Jeremiah, God said that as long as the universe—the order of the stars and planets—remains in place, His promises to Israel would not fail (Jeremiah 31:35-37). There is nothing you can say or reveal to God that would cause His love for you to fail.
If you have trusted God with your eternal life, shouldn't you trust Him with the details of your earthly life as well?

Let us learn to trust Him for who He is.

Elisabeth Elliot
Luke 5:1 - 6:49

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