My good friend, Emery McClendon, is a ham radio operator, and avid supporter of our veterans and military troops everywhere. He asked that I post this information far and wide, so I'm doing all I can to get the word out. I'm not a ham radio operator, but I'm with Emery--lets ham it up for Veterans' Day, November 11!
By Emery McClendon
Veterans Day is approaching. Our Troops, and Veterans deserve our support for their sacrifice to protect our freedom, and the Constitution of this great nation. They also are deployed in many locations around the globe defending American interest, and allowing others to enjoy freedom.
This year Amateur Radio Operators have been asked to open up to the public and provide a service to our communities so that anyone may express thanks and appreciation "live" over the air waves. Amateur Radio is a unique hobby in that we are able to have instant access to the world via radio.
If you know an Amateur Radio Operator ask him or her to join in for this event at a VA Hospital, local Veterans Day Parade, VFW, DAV or American Legion Post and allow the public to salute our Troops, and Veterans.
Our Troops are in need of our support as we are hearing reports that morale may be low.
It would be wonderful if our Troops, and Veterans could wake up on November 11TH and be greeted by our thankful voices worldwide via Ham Radio during the day.
Spread the word, and locate an Amateur Radio Operator near you and set up a location for this to happen. Contact the media, and have them cover the event.
Together we can make this Veterans Day a special one for Troops, Veterans, and their families.
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