The United States of America Shall be a Republic.
A republic is a state in which supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by the citizens. The United States is not, nor has it ever been, a democracy even though the people who run this country and educate our children have pounded it into our heads since birth that we are.
The form of government that we have in this Nation is a republican form of government. The reason why this Nation is not a true democracy is because of the very meaning of the word “democracy.” In a democracy, power and the decision making process lay in the hands of all the people. When this Nation was founded, and especially today, people are too busy and preoccupied with providing a living for themselves and their families to pay attention to or study the issues that affect the Nation as a whole. Instead, we count on those we elect to study those issues entirely and expect them to work in groups by participation in hearings that aren’t possible for all Americans to attend.
The differences between a democracy and a republic are diametrically opposed. A republic requires the participation of less people to come to a consensus while a democracy requires that all people have a hand in the decision making process. As a population grows it becomes impossible to argue over an issue when everyone has a say, so we elect representatives who will act on our behalf to see to it that the best interests of the people are protected.
James Madison defined a republic as such, “We may define a republic to be, or at least may bestow that name on, a government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the great body of the people, and is administered by persons holding their offices during pleasure, for a limited period, or during good behavior. It is essential to such a government that it be derived from the great body of the society, not from an inconsiderable proportion, or a favored class of it; otherwise a handful of tyrannical nobles, exercising their oppressions by a delegation of their powers, might aspire to the rank of republicans, and claim for their government the honorable title of republic.” (Federalist Papers, No. 39, p.241.) It is apparent today that tyrannical nobles enjoy an overwhelming majority of those who serve in government. These politicians consist of attorneys, career politicians and wealthy businessmen. Common ordinary American citizens are exceedingly rare in American politics. This is the antithesis of what our Founding Fathers intended in making up the ranks of the politicians representing the will of the people in elected office.
Our Founding Fathers would weep were they alive today, because they hoped the people would realize that the United States is not, nor was it ever meant to be, a democracy but a republic instead. Our Nation’s slide down the slippery slope toward thinking we live in a democratic nation began shortly after 1905.
In 1905 a group of people calling themselves the Intercollegiate Socialist Society (ISS) was established. Over 60+ college campuses across this Nation sprang into being to help turn this Nation into a socialist state. Many of you reading this will have a light bulb go off in their heads, especially the ones who attended any university in this Nation and wondered why most of the professors who were teaching them seemed to have a liberal bent to everything that was taught or discussed. Others have always known that colleges have always been a source of American agitation.
The ISS was founded primarily by two people. Henry W. Laidler and Norman Thomas. Laidler was an outright and unashamed socialist who promoted the idea of industrial Democracy. To Laidler, government must seize control and ownership of the means of production, distribution, communication and instruments of commerce. The catch phrase of the ISS was “production for use and not for profit.” If this sounds familiar to any of you reading this, you can read more about this in the Communist Manifesto or any of the writings of Marx and Lenin. It should be crystal clear why the federal government has its nose in all facets of our business. Does this reasoning resemble the ideology of any Liberal Politicians you know? This whole idea held by the ISS and its members goes against the idea of a free market economy and is as un-American as anything can be.
After the ISS came into being, socialism took on a flavor that many American patriots just could not stomach. The ISS realized this and quickly changed their name to Legacy for Industrial Democracy. These folks have always have held onto the idea, and continue to do so, that if the federal government controlled the economy, all of the people would benefit rather than a few hard workers that break their backs and sacrifice to get to where they are in life in terms of how wealthy and secure they became.
James Madison said, “Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.” (Federalist Papers, No.10, p.81.)
Our Founding Fathers defined a republic as authority of public officials permitted by the people to represent them. These officials must look out for the individual and their property rights, and respect the Constitution by defending individual rights. Most importantly of all, public officials must look out for the economy of the United States as if they were looking out for their own. To do this, elected officials must adhere to and administer justice in accordance with Constitutional principles knowing that failure to do so will result in extreme consequences.
The main reason why we mistakenly believe that our Nation is a democracy instead of a representative republic is because our schools have been indoctrinating our children to believe we live in a democracy where the majority rules. The mainstream press even has a hand in misleading those too old to attend school—these deceivers are pro-socialists. Since most Americans find that word repugnant (because of the connotations that word carries with it) the very people who have worked hard to convince Americans that we live in a democratic nation decided they must disassociate themselves, and get as far away from the term “socialism” as possible as a means to re-organize America.
Prior to World War I, the members of the ISS infiltrated politics, the press, publishing houses, radio stations, academic circles, teaching colleges and even the National Council of Churches. Even President Woodrow Wilson surrounded himself with members of the ISS. Herbert Hoover took the blame for the economic crash of 1929, but it was the policies and ideology of Woodrow Wilson which lit the match that burned America down during the depression that followed Wilson's term.
People wishing to define the United States as a democracy have even fought amongst themselves because the people who ascribed to this definition of America could not specifically decide how much democracy to apply. Those who wanted the New United States Democracy wanted a mild form of socialism with the peoples' consent. Others wanted a mixed system, part socialism and part free enterprise. China and Russia today have this type of system in place. They switched to this system because wherever true socialism or democracy is practiced, it fails miserably. China and Russia have finally realized this and have recently adopted this form of democracy. Since socialism in all its forms does not work, many in America have finally awakened to the fact if we are going to preserve our liberties and freedoms, we must restore this Nation to what our Founding Fathers set up for us.
After World War II, socialism eventually lost its entire luster here in America and around the world. Even the Nations who practiced the most violent forms of socialism eventually failed with the USSR and China grudgingly replacing their system of socialism with a hybrid form of socialism and free enterprise. In the United States, over time, the adherents of the ISS were failing to persuade Americans to adopt socialism despite pumping billions into the organizations that propped them up. The reason why they have failed is that socialism created problems in America. We would not have those problems if we had continued to follow the formula provided by our Founding Fathers. All of the problems with our culture and economy could have been avoided entirely!
Since the end of World War I there has been a systematic attack on our Constitution, and very few have stood up to their pledge to defend it. The term “democracy” was specifically implemented to destroy the Constitutional structure of our government. Our Founding Fathers were adamantly against socialism when they threw off the shackles of European rule over America. The Constitution outlaws socialism. People who still embrace true democracy or socialism try to convince the rest of us our Constitution is outdated or even obsolete. They point out that when this Nation was founded, 95% of the Founding Fathers were farmers; that America is now an industrial society and the needs of the people can no longer be met by the Constitution. Hence, our Constitution has been steadily eroded by all three branches of federal government at the expense of the We The People. Senators, Presidents and Supreme Court Justices have usurped Constitutional power not expressly conferred to them in order to expand federal control over the people.
What we need so desperately in this Nation is for We The People to elect people to office who will do everything in their power to restore the Constitution to its rightful place and who will return the governance of this Nation to a Representative Republic. If we don’t do this and do it soon, those who have aligned themselves with the ideas of ISS founders Laidler and Thomas will replace the ideas of those who gave us this Nation. We will slide into a virulent form of socialism where all the power resides with the federal government, and all rights, liberties and privileges we have enjoyed as citizens of this Nation will be a thing of the past.
Yours for God and Country,
John Dummett Jr.Dummett for President 2012
HQ: (785) 783-0554
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