Most of you already know that I think the GOP is broken down beyond repair. I don't think there is anything left to fix...the leadership are all spineless cowards who don't know how to stand for anything right, and who the heck cares if it is politically correct or not?! We know in our heart of hearts what is right and wrong. Right now the Reps and Dems have a duopoly on the political system in this country, but that is about to change. I have affiliated with a burgeoning 3rd party called America's Independent Party (AIP). Thanks to our California chapter, we are the 3rd LARGEST political party in the nation, and growing by leaps and bounds. Why such growth? Because AIP represents the true conservative's core values better than anyone else.

AIP is uniquely structured to retain the grassroots passion of "we the people" while at the same time providing enough structure to get as many TRUE conservatives elected as possible. Though I am still a registered republican on my voter registration, I affiliated with AIP a few months ago because I realized they were the party that best represented the values and beliefs that I hold dear.
I think that Rush Limbaugh and all the other radio talk show hosts are wrong about the 3rd party this year. I'm tired of spineless republicans who can't stand up for what is right. I'm tired of spineless republican leadership who also don't have the capacity to stand for what is right. I believe within a couple of months that AIP will surpass the membership of the GOP, and that we will be the force to be reckoned with in 2010.
AIP will support any true conservative, regardless of party affiliation. That's what makes us unique. Please check us out at You'll be glad you did. :)
1 comment:
I've realized that Democrats are wolves in sheeps clothing and Rebuplicans are sheep in wolves' clothing.
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