Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Oh What Tangled Webs We Weave, When We Practice to Deceive!

Planned Parenthood Refuses to Report Statutory Rape Cases!

If this doesn't make your blood boil, nothing will. Check out this site: There you will find a series of amateur undercover videos capturing PP staffers 1) covering statutory rape, 2) coaching minors how to cross state lines to obtain an abortion not legal in their own jurisdiction, 3) coaching minors how to lie to a judge so that the much older boyfriends (27 and 31) do not get "in trouble." I found it all very appalling.

Here is a news story about the Tennessee clinic: I encourage you to read the newspaper article, AND the comments posted underneath. My stars these PP supporters are dumber than a box of rocks!! Hopefully, you'll get a charge out of my response.

Mary Ann

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