My husband and I cannot afford cable, so we don't watch Fox News unless we are visiting someone who is watching Fox News. We don't watch the alphabet media at all, unless we're in the mood for some levity or a screaming match with the TV. Certainly health insurance could use some tweaking, but it isn't a crisis, just a problem to work on. I have relatives in Canada--Canada is considering going back to private insurance because the government run health care is such a dismal failure. Benefit caps are one of the things that also need to be tweaked. It is a problem, not a crisis.
Illegal immigrants are a drain on all of society. I'm sorry if you think it harsh, but rewarding these criminals for their lawbreaking is senseless. In no way, shape or form, should those who cross the borders illegally be allowed to stay simply because they have a baby while they're here. The baby, at best, has dual citizenship; at worse it could be argued the baby has no US citizenship because neither of the parents are US citizens.
So...those of you who support universal health care, aka Obama(s)care, how do you think universal health care should be paid for? Are you willing to pay higher taxes so that everyone else can benefit from your hard work? And, how do you like the socialized health care that you have today? It isn't government-run, but it is still socialized medicine--you have an insurance bureaucrat between you and your doctor instead of a government bureaucrat. The insurance company tells you what doctors you can see, what drugs you can take, and makes you get permission for any high-end tests and hospitalizations. So, do you like it? Probably not. But, with all the irritations, the insurance companies usually pay the bills (with few exceptions), and while we are left to deal with co-insurance and co-pays, we DID manage to get our health care in a timely fashion without waiting weeks or months for surgery and other procedures.
Yes, I'm angry, but not for the reasons you might think. It is true that I don't want a health care bill stuffed down my throat. What makes me most angry is to see so many congressmen ignore their constituents' wishes. The anger you are seeing expressed at town hall meetings (aside from the hired thugs used for intimidation) started when congressmen didn't read bills on which they were voting (because they weren't given the time). It simmered a little more when they voted for legislation against what constituents were telling them to do. Health care is just one more example of what congressmen are going to vote for without any regard to the wishes of the constituents who hired them.
Congressmen are not our "overlords," they are hired servants--public servants. Do the majority of Americans support Obama's legislation? I guess we'll see in November 2010--I hope the answer is a resounding "NO!"
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