Monday, August 17, 2009

Discussing Religion & Politics is Healthy!

Isn't that a great headline? Stole it from an email I received. :D This post has nothing to do with religion and plenty to do with politics. I'm becoming a real political hound! :D Actually, it is really just a "stream of consciousness" blog, but hopefully all salient points none-the-less.

I am sick and tired of socialist Obama trolls and Republican wannabees going on and on about how the birth certificate has been shown online, proven by Factcheck, the LA Times, and Snopes (all "independent" investigative sources--NOT). Most of us know that Factcheck is an arm of the Annenberg Foundation for whom Obama used to work doing his "community organizing." Snopes was "outed" during this whole mess--a husband and wife team working from their kitchen table, doing little to no research and often times not posting the truth even when corrected by the people and organizations involved. The LA Times likely did no investigation of their own, choosing instead to rely on Snopes and Factcheck as their sources (birds of a feather flock together).

Personally, I think the birth certificate is IRRELEVANT because Obama's father was a foreign student at the time of his birth (that means "not a citizen" for the LA Times readers). I also think it is likely that Obama was born in Honolulu as he says--well, let's just say that Hawaii has a greater probability of being the truth than Kenya. Location is irrelevant, because my research (and my plagiarized research) of the laws, treatises and writings from long ago lead me to believe that the intended definition of a "natural born citizen" is one born to citizen parents (plural) on sovereign soil (in the U.S.). Using this definition, Obama cannot, and never will be, a natural born citizen. Obama Sr. was a British subject at the time of O's birth, making his son a dual citizen AT BIRTH. It doesn't matter whether he accepted or rejected his British citizenship as an adult--which by the way would make him a "naturalized" citizen not a natural born citizen. Certainly, O is a citizen--just not a natural born citizen. It saddens me to know that the majority of Americans don't understand the difference between the two.

Also bothersome is the withholding of so many other records that would further clarify O's citizenship status as an adult: college records (did he receive aid as a foreign student?), and travel records, including passports (how does a skinny college kid who arrived in NYC without two nickels to rub together go on a 'round-the-world trip a month later?). Remember way back during the primaries there was some flack about some contract employees accessing the passport records of Clinton, McCain and Obama? It is my personal opinion that O's records were the target (for scrubbing) and that Clinton and McCain were used for "cover." Did you know that the government's star witness (one of the accused who had turned state's evidence) was shot and killed outside his car? Hmmm, mighty convenient.

O and his minions are so full of fraud, greed, and corruption--it's just pathetic that people keep defending him. I say, cut your losses folks and admit he's a failure. He's a cheap Chicago thug. Admit this isn't the change you had in mind when you voted for him. It also isn't the change that he promised during the campaign. It is time to admit that you've been had so that we can set out together to Restore the Republic.

It is time to admit that our republic's government is too large, both at the federal and state levels, and that deep cuts are needed. And, it IS a republic, a democratic republic. It is NOT a democracy, which is mob rule--where 51% of the people tell the other 49% how to live and what to do. It is time to close our southern border. Let them immigrate legally like so many other Americans.

And, we are ALL Americans--not African Americans, Arab Americans, Latino Americans, etc. America is a melting pot of differing cultures, but all those cultures must melt into the same pot or you get the social divisions we have today. All the European immigrants who made it through Ellis Island adopted the language, the laws, and American culture and history as their own. Yes, my dear Mexicans, they learned English! They were allowed to practice their respective religions without interference--we Americans are a tolerant bunch. (The only time Democrats practice tolerance is when they want the Republicans to be tolerant as the Democrats chip away at yet one more Constitutional principle. Does the Democratic Party know they've been "assimilated" by the socialist borg?)

Marxism is a fraud--look how well it has worked for Russia. Oh, you think the Russians just did it wrong? They were just too oppressive? Have you looked at O's government lately? Listened to any of Janet Napolitano's DHS alerts? Been to any of the Democrats' Town Halls? Did someone say intimidation, repression, suppression and oppression?

Now let's talk directly to the Republicans and Conservatives--no those two terms are NOT synonyms for the same thing. The Republicans, for the most part, have gone along with most of the "chipping away" that has been done to the Constitution. Contrary to what some conservatives may think, we didn't arrive at this point overnight. It has taken the socialists (aka progressives) some time to poke this many holes in our revered Constitution. Republicans used to be the party of conservatism, common sense, small government and strong defense. Not any more.

So...what's a conservative to do?
Quit saying you don't have time to get involved. You MUST get involved. Uninvolved citizenry is how we got to where we are today. Stop whining, get off the couch, make a few sacrifices in your "hectic schedule" and seek out other conservatives who also want to Restore the Republic. You'll need to make monetary sacrifices, too. My husband and I are poorer than church mice. It seems as though we're always trying to juggle paying for prescriptions (just our co-pays, we have insurance--such as it is), groceries and gas for the cars. I'm disabled and unable to work. My salary was the larger of the two. We've been barely scraping by for over three years. Last pay day I sacrificed most of my grocery money in order to give money to my party chairman. He works full time building and laying the foundation for our party. I didn't think it was possible for anyone to be poorer than was rather nice to give to someone else for a change, even if we did live on bologna sandwiches until the next payday. The chairman and his wife make untold sacrifices every day.

So...what are you going to sacrifice for your country? If it is anything less than time and money, then it isn't enough. Some of us have more time than money. Some of us have more money than time. The signers of the Declaration of Independence pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. Nearly all of them paid with their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. I ask again, what are you willing to sacrifice for your country? Not your political party, but your country.

When it comes to fighting for our Republic, for our independence from the tyranny that is already upon us, how much is enough? In the words of John Rockefeller, "just a little bit more." No, Restoring our Republic won't be easy...but it is the right and honorable thing to do. Are you going to take Easy Street, or the rocky dirt path?

Will you fight to save our Republic? You know, the future of our Republic depends upon you. Each of you. It is time to get off the couch, turn off the TV and become engaged in the body politic. Have we spilled American blood over these 233 years for nothing? We lost thousands on D-Day alone, not to mention the rest of the war. Are you going to let her go without even trying?

Will you fight to save our Republic? I am NOT advocating an armed action against our government. But I do want to see each and every American working to Restore our Republic.

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