By John Dummett Jr.
Atheism is nothing more than the unwillingness to accept the idea that something cannot be created out of nothing. It is shows the unwillingness to admit that should God exist, one is accountable to this Being for his/her behavior.
No reasoning human being can deny that something is going on all around us. If it is true that the Universe spontaneously created itself out of nothing, then why is there anything at all? It flies against all reasoning that something can be created out of nothing because you have to have something to create something.
To deny the existence of God only shows the incapability of Man’s mind to comprehend things beyond his ability to do so. Everybody can see reality. It is all around us. It is apparent to everyone that something is going on and we are a part of it. But if the universe instantly appeared out of nothing then how could there be anything? Nothing means just that. In order to have something, something has to be there in the first place. Logic would tell anyone that there had to be something to come from, and that something is God.
Atheism is the easy way out to explain that there could be a power way beyond Man’s mind to comprehend. It is easier to just say the universe just happened than to explain that there is something behind reality. Man proves his existence by saying “I exist, therefore I am!” If man exists then God has to exist. It is easy as that. But how does one prove there is a God? The simplest way to prove the existence of God is to realize that things exist in the first place. If there was not a God, nothing would exist. Whatever brought the entire Universe into existence had to be something. Rational, thinking human beings know this something as God.
The Bible tells us Man was created in the image of God. Is this a physical image, or an image based upon all the sublime qualities of God like the ability to think, to rationalize, to know the difference between right and wrong, love, compassion and most important of all, a sense of what is just?
All of these qualities found in men flow from God. The greatest self-evident truth that our Founding Fathers understood was the existence of a Creator of the Universe. When God created the Universe he arranged it in such a way that impressed certain principles on matter that could never be departed from, otherwise the Universe would cease to exist. The Universe is orderly and governed by laws and these laws were revealed to man through God. A just society is based upon God’s revealed laws for Man. These laws themselves are based upon a moral code that allows man to know the difference between right and wrong. Our Judeo-Christian heritage has taught us that God arranged and impressed principles upon the Universe. These laws are called “The Laws of Nature.” Just as there are laws of nature, there are laws that govern human behavior. William Blackstone (1723-1780) said the laws of human nature had been revealed by God, whereas the laws of the Universe must be learned through scientific investigation. (Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England ed. William Cary Jones, 2 vols. [San Francisco: Bancroft Whitney Co. 1916] pp.56-58.) Blackstone also stated that “upon these two foundations, the law of nature and the law of revelation all human laws depend.”
The Founding Fathers’ understanding of God’s natural and revealed law caused them to hold them in high regard and as such, treat them as a social scaffold around which to build our nation. Early in the history of our nation our Founding Fathers believed the Creator was benevolent and intelligent. They believed that God listened to, and acted favorably toward, the people’s prayers for help, especially when those prayers were just and for a good cause.
God was seen as being exceptionally benevolent towards the nation in our endeavor to be released from the bondage and rule of England. George Washington himself said there were at least sixty-seven moments during the Revolutionary War that, had God not intervened, our struggle for independence would have gone for naught. (Rise and Fight Again [New York: Dodd, Mead & Co. 1976]’p379.) Our Founding Fathers, to a man, believed that it was divine providence that the United States of America was created. This is why our national motto is “In God We Trust.” By the outcome of the Revolutionary War the idea that all things were created by God, and that all of mankind was dependent and responsible to him was universally accepted.
Without God, this nation can not endure. It is through God’s divine protection that the United States of America continues to be a beacon of hope for the entire world.
This will continue so long as we recognize we can’t do anything without God’s help.
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