Saturday, August 21, 2010

Principle Six: All Men Are Created Equal

By John Dummett Jr.

"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal." The Founding Fathers did not mean to imply that all men were exactly alike. What they meant by being equal was we are all equal in the sight of God. We have equal rights in the protection of one’s rights. I have already discussed at great lengths God’s expectations of man. Equality before the law means the same law will be tried to try every man. It also does not depend upon which class one belongs to. With an equality of rights each man has the same God given rights to life and liberty.

The Constitution protects our rights in these ways. Our Rights are protected:
  1. at the bar of justice to secure our rights
  2. at the ballot box to vote for the candidate of our choice.
  3. at the public school to obtain and education.
  4. at the employment office to compete for a job.
  5. at the real estate agency to purchase or rent a home.
  6. at the pulpit to enjoy freedom of religion.
  7. at the podium to enjoy freedom of speech.
  8. at the microphone or before a television camera to present issues of the day.
  9. at the meeting hall to peaceably assemble.
  10. at the print shop to enjoy freedom of the press.
  11. at the store to buy things.
  12. at the bank to save and to prosper.
  13. at the tax collectors office to pay no more than your fair share of taxes.
  14. at the probate court to pass on to your heirs the fruits of your life’s labors.
We are a nation made up of minorities because at one time or another we all were. No where else on Earth is there more ethnic groups represented who have migrated to another nation. However minorities are treated with equal rights as long as they become citizens of this nation. To do this they must learn how to speak English, become economically independent and most of all they should assimilate into the culture of the United States so we are all one people.

The Constitution had four amendments that were added to it to ensure that equal rights were applied to all citizens of the United States. After 1789 the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Nineteenth Amendments were added. The Thirteenth Amendment provided for universal freedom. The Fourteenth Amendment provided for the universal rights of citizenship. The Fifteenth Amendment and the Nineteenth Amendment were passed to provide voting rights regardless of color, race or sex.

In the United States there is equal opportunity but not equal results. There is equal freedom but not equal capacity. There is equal protection but not equal status. There are equal educational opportunities but not equal grades.

The beauty of the system is we are given an equal opportunity to excel or to fail depending upon how much or how little effort an individual puts into it. Equal rights do not mean you have equal things. The only things that equal rights do is to provide us all an equal playing field. How far we succeed in life depends upon how much effort we are willing to expend. In this way all men are created equal.

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