Thursday, April 23, 2009

Let Us Not Be Weary In Well Doing

Once again, I've been inspired by the words of Dr. Alan Keyes. I'm almost jealous that God gave Dr. Keyes a more astute mind than he gave me, lol. ALMOST. Just remember that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, each time expecting a different result. My sweetie still hasn't turned loose of his belief that 3rd parties spoil elections. That wouldn't be true if all the true conservatives would make a clean break with the party that keeps enslaving them (be it republican or democrat).

Just like Pavlov's dog, we've been conditioned to accept the candidates proffered by the GOP (no matter how distasteful their record on the issues), because "we don't want the democrats to win." Many Christians have stopped voting their conscience, and I am as guilty as the next person. BUT the debauchery of the last election has "cleared my sinuses" so that the stench of the GOP now matches the stench of the DNC. Heaven help us if we cannot stop the Wizard, the Wicked Witch of the West, and the Flying Monkeys from putting their agenda into place (we're not in Kansas any more, Toto). Sometimes I even wonder whether we will have elections in 2010.

To those who think we can't do anything because this is "end times" playing out like prophecy predicts, I say this: Jesus said no man knows the hour of the Lord's return. But we're to keep working until His return. So, it matters not whether I think that end times prophecy is being played out before my very eyes. I am to work until I can work no more. We're to keep working on the Great Commission, and we're to be salt and light in a dark, evil world. Let's not be weary of well doing.

Dr. Keyes' most recent blog post is awesome, read it here.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Born in the USA? Take #2.

Many of you may know of the heroic attempts by dentist and attorney Orly Taitz to challenge Barack Obama's eligibility to be President of the United States. What you may NOT know is that her website "Defend Our Fredoms Foundation" was hacked and seized a few days ago. The thugs are posting obscene things under Dr. Taitz's name that she would never say. Today's article on World Net Daily was a wonderful piece, complete with pictures and how she and her parents escaped from Russia to Israel. I've copied the text of the article here, but it is definitely worth a look-see for yourself. :D

{Begin Quote}
Meet fierce blonde behind Obama eligibility lawsuits
Soviet Union survivor: President spits in face of every U.S. citizen

Posted: April 12, 2009
7:05 pm Eastern

By Chelsea Schilling
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

MISSION VIEJO, Calif. – She's the fierce blond attorney behind Obama eligibility lawsuits, a successful dentist with two offices, a second-degree black belt and a mother of three boys who speaks five languages.

Dr. Orly Taitz, a woman with a vibrant smile and an ebullient personality, has not always enjoyed an independent life filled with promise and ambition. She was born and raised in Kishinev (also spelled Chisinau), the capital of the Republic of Moldova, a country in Eastern Europe that was formerly part of the Soviet Union.

Drawing on her experiences under a communist regime, she told WND she is determined to do her part to stop America from following in the all-too-familiar footsteps of her former homeland.

Life under communism

She described her life in a communist nation: Markets were bare, people had no desire to work and the government forced young children into slave labor.

"We'd stop at the store, and the food stores were empty," she said. "I remember we had to stand in lines for hours in the cold. We were in a bus, going home and suddenly we'd see a line. We wouldn't even know what they were selling, but we knew something would be there – some food. We'd stand for two hours to buy maybe a pound of salami or a half a pound of butter."

As a young child, Taitz asked her father why the market shelves were empty.

"In America, they have everything," he would tell her. "The stores are full."

Her father explained that Americans were interested in working and received paychecks based on their productivity. However, in the Soviet Union, farmers were part of a socialist system of collective farming and were compensated equally – regardless of output.

He told her, "If a farmer is bright and hard working, at the end of the month, he will get 100 rubles. And if the farmer is a lazy bum and he does nothing, he gets the same 100 rubles."

Taitz told WND, "People had absolutely no incentive to do anything. They had no incentive to work. The best doctors were getting maybe 150 rubles. That's why the standards for medicine were so low."

Where's the proof Barack Obama was born in the U.S. or that he fulfills the "natural-born American" clause in the Constitution? If you still want to see it, join more than 350,000 others and sign up now!

Youth camps and slave labor

She said that, much like President Obama's proposed brigade of youth organizers, the Soviet Union used children for slave labor.

"They would put us on trucks, and we would go to the countryside," she said. "We were told to go and pick tomatoes."

Parents were not allowed to homeschool their children. They were forced to enroll them in government schools. From the age of 6, all children were required to become young communists.

"You had to send your child to school, and your child had to be a member of the young communists," Taitz said. "There were no children who were not members. You had to do it. If you were one of the best, you become a member of the Communist Party. It was constant brainwashing."

She continued, "There was no choice, and people resented that. They were scared to speak up."

Most children were sent to communist youth camps, but Taitz' parents wouldn't allow her to go. Instead, they gave her stacks of math, physics and chemistry textbooks to study while her friends were away at camps.

"My parents didn't want me to be in those camps and be subjected to communist brainwashing," she said. "They wanted me to think for myself. I learned to read by myself, and my parents sent me to competitions in math, physics, chemistry and biology. I would sit and work with pages of problems, and I loved to compete."

An empty existence

Practice of religion was restricted in the Soviet Union. Churches were closed and repurposed as museums of art.

"You had to be an atheist," Taitz said. "No one could go and pray. You weren't allowed to mention any religion. A lot of priests, ministers and rabbis were sent to Siberia, so people were scared. They didn't celebrate any religious holidays; they just didn't exist."

She said alcohol abuse was rampant and caused the destruction of many lives.

"One of the reasons they had such a serious problem with alcoholism was because there was nothing in people's lives. There was no God, no religion, no choice. You had to conform and comply."

During her years living in the Soviet Union, Taitz said friends would constantly talk about finding ways to break away from the system.

"They would tell me, 'This person was very inventive and built a hot-air balloon to get out from East Germany to West Germany, or somebody was able to swim across the border,'" she said. "There were always stories about how people escaped the regime."

With only one TV station in Kishinev, Taitz said reporters spewed communist propaganda.

Escaping a totalitarian regime

In 1981, when she was 21, her uncle managed to escape to Israel. He sent her family papers that allowed them to join him there due to their familial relationship.

When Taitz arrived in Israel, she was stunned to discover a free-market society with full stores. In the Soviet Union, there were no fruits or vegetables in the winter. Her family survived on canned foods, bread and pierogis, or dumplings stuffed with various ingredients such as cheese and potatoes.

"I remember when a lady who came to Israel from the Soviet Union went to the store and asked, 'When will we have tomatoes?' She was thinking, maybe March or April," Taitz said.

"The clerk looked at her and said, 'Probably in an hour.'"

For a woman who had lived under a communist regime her whole life, freedom was a new concept she had only imagined after listening to her father's stories.

"It was a completely different feeling, a free feeling," she said. "There were political parties, and you got to choose whichever one you wanted. In the Soviet Union, there was only one."

She lived in Israel for several years and attended the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Taitz met her future husband, a man living in California who visited his family while she was a practicing dentist in Israel in 1987. Only a couple of months after their introduction, he proposed marriage, and she accepted. Her father was reluctant to let his daughter go, but he eventually relented.

"I was scared. Coming to the U.S. was a big step," she said. "I went to a new country and married a person I hardly knew. I was very scared. So, I came, and right away we drove to Las Vegas."

Still jet lagged from her flight, Taitz was nearly falling asleep as she arrived at a chapel in the center of the Las Vegas strip.

"We paid to have a limo driver act as our witness, and the minister married us," she said. "We got some pictures and sent them to my parents to let them know I wasn't living in sin."

Dentist, lawyer, broker and mother

Because Taitz had foreign dental training, she was required to take dental board exams to practice in the United States. When she took one of her last tests, she was pregnant with her first son.

"I was seven months pregnant with a big belly," she said. "It was pretty tough."

Taitz passed the dental boards, and her practice grew substantially. She now has two separate dental offices in Mission Viejo and Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif. Two dentists work in Taitz' offices each week to assist patients.

With a successful practice and a growing family, Taitz decided to enroll in law school at William Howard Taft University. She took distance courses and studied from home in the evenings.

"I just got books and tapes and studied until I passed the exams," she said. "I passed the California bar, and it is said to be one of the more difficult ones in the nation. When I passed, there was only a 50 percent passing rate."

With three young sons, Taitz volunteered at her children's school every Tuesday for 10 years and reserved evenings and weekends for her family.

When her sons enrolled in Taekwondo classes, she eagerly joined them – earning her own second-degree black belt.

With a strong desire to see the world, Taitz has traveled to 40 countries. In addition to English, she speaks Russian, Romanian, Hebrew and Spanish and has a strong understanding of German because her grandparents spoke the language.

When she sold her California home, Taitz also earned her real estate broker's license to save on commission from the sale. She said she plans to renew it when the eligibility lawsuits have been resolved.

Obama eligibility lawsuits

During the recent election campaigns, Taitz paid close attention and grew concerned when stories about President Obama's birth simply didn't add up. She followed Philip Berg's eligibility lawsuit and several other similar complaints across the nation.

On Oct 25, 2008, she sent an e-mail to Debra Bowen, secretary of state of California, urging her to verify Obama's citizenship status before the elections.

"I wrote, 'I'm an attorney in Southern California, and I am greatly concerned about Barack Obama's eligibility,'" she said.

Taitz told Bowen she believed Obama did not have a legitimate, long-form birth certificate proving that he was born in Hawaii. She argued that if a candidate lacked proper documentation of meeting the natural-born citizen requirement, that candidate should be declared ineligible to run.

"She wrote back that there was no requirement for her to check eligibility," Taitz said. "I asked for a hearing, and I received a letter from her attorney that we would have one. But they lied and never scheduled one. It was appalling that the secretary of state was negligent, reckless, and didn't check eligibility."

Frustrated with the response she received from Bowen's office, Taitz began writing letters to every newspaper she could find. In her letters, she explained why she believed Obama was not eligible and described flaws in the vetting process.

"I wrote that Obama is not eligible to be president and that next time around, we can have Osama bin Laden on our ballots if the only thing one needs to do is write, 'I am eligible,'" she said.

After she wrote the letters, a woman contacted her at her dental office and invited her to a meeting of 200 people in Garden Grove, Calif., to discuss illegal immigration and various political issues. She attended the meeting and met Pastor Wiley Drake, radio host of "Wiley Drake in Buena Park" and vice presidential candidate for America's Independent Party.

Drake complimented Taitz on her speech and asked her to join him on his radio show. When she agreed, he asked how he could help her pursue the eligibility case.

"I said, 'From what I understand, Berg's case was not heard on the merits because they stated that he doesn't have good standing as an ordinary citizen. You are a vice presidential candidate for America's Independent Party. If you agree to be a plaintiff, we will do well."

He said, "Let's do it."

Alan Keyes, the party's nominee for president, agreed to join the lawsuit as a plaintiff. Chairman Markham Robinson added his name and brought another attorney, Gary Kreep, on board. They filed a writ of mandamus in Sacramento on behalf of Keyes, Robinson and Drake and requested that California's electors be barred from signing the Certificate of Vote until documentary proof of Obama's citizenship was produced.

As WND reported, the California court ruled that Bowen "has no 'ministerial duty' to demand detailed proof of citizenship from presidential candidates."

"I decided I couldn't change the pleadings in Alan Keyes' case, but I could file another lawsuit," she said. "So, I got seven plaintiffs and I drove to Los Angeles and filed a case there. By that time, I had a lot of supporters. A lot of people were writing to me, but I asked them to write the Supreme Court of California."

Taking her case to Supreme Court

She said with no explanation, the court denied her lawsuit.

"I could not understand why in the world they denied it," she said. "So I decided to go straight to the U.S. Supreme Court. On Dec. 11, I flew to Washington and filed the case the next day – the last working day before the meeting of the Electoral College."

Originally, she filed with Justice Anthony Kennedy, and he denied it. She resubmitted it to Chief Justice John Roberts, and he distributed it for conference.

"On the Jan. 20, the case was on the docket, and everybody could see it," Taitz said. "Then, right after the inauguration, on Jan. 21, it disappeared. It was as if somebody was trying to please Obama by erasing the docket."

Taitz has stepped up her fight, approaching Justice Antonin Scalia during his appearance in Los Angeles and hand-delivering documents to Chief Justice John Roberts at his appearance at the University of Idaho. She also presented Roberts with the WND petition, consisting of 3,300 pages of names – more than 325,000 at the time – of people demanding the Supreme Court hear the Obama eligibility case.

Taitz updates her Defend Our Freedoms blog with information about her cases. Her latest challenge to Obama's eligibility is a Quo Warranto case submitted to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, a legal standard that essentially allows citizens to demand on what grounds someone in authority exercises power.

She has 10 state representatives and about 130 members of the U.S. military signed on as plaintiffs in the action.

Reliving communism

"It is interesting that when we go to court challenging Obama's eligibility, I experience such a déjà vu, like I am in the communist Soviet Union again," Taitz said. "I feel, my God, I am back in a totalitarian regime. I'm shocked by the total and complete idiocy of those judges who come up with such idiotic excuses about why they refuse to sign a subpoena – something so basic to their jobs – to get his records."

Asked what motivates her continue fighting the eligibility battle, Taitz replied, "I feel that this man is arrogantly spitting in the face of each and every American citizen. I feel like he has just spit in my face. I take it personally that he is trampling on our Constitution and on our laws."

She continued, "Having the experience that I had in the Soviet Union – seeing lack of freedom, lack of a system of justice, lack of judicial integrity, lack of press with integrity, an economic system in shambles – when I saw all that, I began fighting."

Taitz said mainstream media in the United States are becoming much like the Soviet Union press, because they do not provide truthful information about Obama and have pushed for his socialist society. She offered a suggestion for dealing with "detached" and "ignorant" reporters who advocate such a system.

"I would put all of them in one airplane – Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Anderson Cooper, Katie Couric, Charles Gibson, all of them. I would load a plane with 500 reporters and send them to some village in Siberia or some village in China or Mongolia or Korea or Cuba, and tell them, 'Why don't you survive there for a year,'" she said.

"I guarantee you, after a year they will come here and they'll be to the right of Rush Limbaugh. They'll think Rush Limbaugh is a communist."

Taking a stand

Taitz said if Obama is found to be ineligible, he must be unseated and tried for crimes he committed against citizens of the United States.

"The whole election would be annulled, and all of the laws signed by Obama would be null and void," she said with conviction. "In that case, somebody like Vice President Joe Biden must become president pro tempore for two or three months until we are able to organize a new election."

In Hebrew, "Orly" means "light" – and that's just what Taitz hopes to be for others who are willing to demand proof of Obama's eligibility and take a stand against his socialist plans for the nation.

Drawing on her early life experiences, Taitz issued a word of warning for Americans:

"The worst thing you can ever do is be scared in the face of evil," she said. "Never be too scared to stand tall and speak up."

Editor's note: Dr. Orly Taitz has experienced difficulties at her previous Defend Our Freedoms blog and has launched a replacement website. She asks that readers and donors contact her directly by e-mail or by writing to 26302 La Paz Ste. 211, Mission Viejo, Ca. 92691. {End Quote}

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Born in the USA?

This issue is too important to be left on the back burner. Folks, it is time we stand up and demand that this man prove he is eligible, and not by some phony image that some loyal staffer put up on the internet. He needs to answer more than the question of where he was born, we need to see his passport(s), his college records (including financial aid), and his adoption records, if any. This article from World Net Daily has again renewed my hopes that perhaps we may find out just who this man is, versus what he claims to be.

Kentucky elections officer wants eligibility investigated
Refers matter to state attorney general for review

Posted: April 10, 2009
Time: 10:50 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

An official in the office of Kentucky's elections chief has referred to state Attorney General Jack Conway for investigation the issue of Barack Obama's eligibility to be president.

In a letter to Conway, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Leslie A. Fugate noted the issue of "President Barack Obama's eligibility to be on the ballot in Kentucky."

"Because our office does not have investigative powers … we are referring the matter to your office," she wrote."

The letter followed a visit to elections officials by California attorney Orly Taitz, who is working through her Defend Our Freedoms Foundation on several court cases challenging Obama's eligibility.

A committee of concerned citizens accompanied Taitz to Fugate's office to ask that the eligibility issue be investigated.

There was no immediate word on the status of any investigative work that might be launched by investigators for Conway, the 49th attorney general for Kentucky, who was elected in 2007 and has made targeting cybercrimes a priority.

If a formal investigation actually is begun it apparently would be the first time the many lawsuit plaintiffs across the country would see a door opening to some answers about the murky circumstances surrounding Obama's eligibility to be president.

Among the typical responses to eligibility challenges WND has reported was a federal judge's dismissal of a case because the issue already had been "twittered."

Further, lawyers hired to defend against such cases also have begun threatening sanctions against plaintiffs' lawyers unless they agree voluntarily to leave the issue of eligibility unquestioned.

Questions about Obama's birth place were being raised even before he was elected. He had reported he was born in Honolulu, but because he has steadfastly refused to release a copy of his long-form birth certificate, which would put such questions to rest, dozens of lawsuits have been filed challenging his eligibility to serve as president under the Constitution's "natural born citizen" clause.

While many of the lawsuits have been dismissed, most have not been heard for reasons of jurisdiction and standing, rather than on the evidence and merit of the challenges.

So far, there have been two definitive statements on his eligibility, including one from an Obama campaign spokeswoman talking about the challenges who told WND, "All I can tell you is that it is just pure garbage." [Editor's note: Boy, this settles it for me, how 'bout you? NOT!!]

The other is from Chiyome Fukino, the director of the Hawaiian Department of Health, who issued a statement, "I as Director of Health for the State of Hawaii, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawaii State Department of Health has Sen. Obama's original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures."

What is not said is significant. While the certificate on file is "in accordance with state policies and procedures," there's no affirmation that the document reflects a Hawaiian birth.

Nor is there any explanation for the image of the Hawaii state "certification of live birth" that has been posted by Obama on the Internet purporting to document his Hawaiian birth, even though Hawaiian procedures at the time allowed the document to be issued to parents of children not born in the state.

For example, why would an individual with a verified birth certificate also have a "certification of live birth?" [Editor's Note: Why would someone who had found their birth certificate amongst his mothers things after her death (from Dreams From My Father) have to post a phony one when he ran for president 13 years later?]

The questions raised over Obama's eligibility are all very simple: The Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, states, "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."

But getting the issue discussed has been a huge obstacle, and what courts have done several times, including once in a California case, is to schedule hearings on the issue on a date far beyond any reasonable expectation of having applicability, lawyers have said.

It was in his autobiography that Obama reported he was born in Honolulu, and the online "Certification of Live Birth" states that.

But when WND senior staff writer Jerome Corsi went to Hawaii, he was told any Obama records were sealed, and although they would be released if the person made the request, Obama simply has refused to do that.

Corsi also traveled to Kenya where he was also told records pertaining to Obama in Kenya were sealed.

There also have been no confirmed hospital records uncovered that would document his birth, and an investigator even cast doubt on whether the Obama family lived at the address listed in the newspaper announcements.

A woman who reportedly "remembered" Obama's birth and was quoted widely in support of his Hawaiian birth later explained to WND she had been told of the birth of a baby boy by an acquaintance who was a doctor who noted the mother's unusual name of Stanley, but she had no knowledge of the details.

According to much legal research, at the time of Obama's birth he could be a natural born citizen by being born in the United States, by being born to two U.S. citizen parents (not possible because of his father), or, if only one parent was a U.S. citizen at the time of the birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for at least 10 years, at least five of which had to be after the age of 16. [Editor's Note: My research into the Constitutional provision discussed here said that at the time of Obama's birth in 1967, 5 of those 10 years had to be after the age of 14, not 16. Either way, Ann Dunham was not old enough to confer citizenship, should the birth have happened in a foreign country.]

The problem is, Obama's mother was only 18 when she gave birth, so his only apparent route to "natural born" citizenship status would have been to be born in

Some of the lawsuits that have been filed question whether Obama was actually born in Hawaii, as he insists. If he was born out of the country, Obama's American mother, the suits contend, was too young at the time of his birth to confer American citizenship to her son under the law at the time.

Other challenges have focused on Obama's citizenship through his father, a Kenyan subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at the time of his birth, thus making him a dual citizen. The cases contend the framers of the Constitution excluded dual citizens from qualifying as natural born. Further complicating the issue are the reports he was adopted by an Indonesia man during his childhood and moved to Indonesia and attended school there. There also are questions on what nation's passport he traveled to Pakistan....(read more)

The article continues with a list of all the various lawsuits and their current status.

Folks, this is a real issue--it isn't just sour grapes. It has nothing to do with race, and nothing to do with the fact that he is a democrat and I'm an independent (who leans toward republican candidates many times as the "lesser of two evils").

It has everything to do with whether our Constitution is still the controlling law of the land.

Let me say that has everything to do with whether the Constitution is still the controlling law of the land.

Do you believe that the U.S. Constitution is still the law of the land?

British Press Entranced by Sheer Size of Obamas' Traveling Entourage

I received an email from a friend claiming this article appeared in the editorial section of The Knoxville News-Sentinel. I wasn't able to confirm that claim without paying an archive fee, but was able to verify the story with (free) archives from the London Guardian (original publishing date of 29 March 2009):>

This is almost beyond belief.....

"The British press is entranced by the sheer size of Obama's traveling entourage and no wonder. Obama arrived with - 500 staff in tow, including:

200 Secret Service agents

A team of 6 doctors

The White House chef and kitchen staff with the president's own food and water. And, according to the Evening Standard, he also came with "35 vehicles in all, 4 speech writers and 12 teleprompters."

The president is entitled to all the security, communications and support he feels necessary to do his job. Surely, when we're trying to project a more restrained, humble image to the world, the president's huge retinue could be scaled back to something less than the triumphal march from "Aida."

Now, I whole heartedly agree with the last paragraph of this editorial article, wherever it is from. How about you?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ambassador Alan Keyes...

I don't know how many of you are regular readers of former Ambassador Alan Keyes, but he is always "spot on" when it comes to moral, spiritual and Constitutional issues. Among other things, Dr. Keyes writes a blog at

Loyal to Liberty's latest post (if it isn't the latest, then seek it out) "Fifth Column Conservatives" is an intriguing piece. Dr. Keyes begins by defining the term fifth column: "Webster's online dictionary defines the phrase "fifth column" as "a group of secret sympathizers of an enemy that engage in espionage or sabotage within defense lines or in national borders." Keyes continues:
This phrase has been much on my mind of late as I consider the bloodless coup d'état that is currently underway in the United States. In speech and deed the Obama faction has displayed its intention to overthrow the Constitution of the United States.
My intent in quoting from this article is to make you curious enough to go and read it for yourself. You won't be sorry. Later in the article, Keyes identifies those he believes are fifth column conservatives:
As it turns out the greatest threat to the effort to dispel complacency before it's too late doesn't come from the Obama faction. They have moved with alacrity to implement their agenda. Like a brake impaired double truck trailer hurtling down a steep incline, their excessive speed stirs up a gust hefty enough to shake the unwary from their stupor, provided no one explains it away as a harmless passing breeze. But some folks stamped with a phony imprimatur of "conservatism" are doing just that. At first people like this resisted the idea that we should call Obama a socialist, as I did during my campaign against him in Illinois in 2004. Now they themselves admit his socialism, but claim that it's a benign variety, well known in Western Europe to have caused no more than a mild epidemic of productivity-stifling bureaucracy, with no jackboots in sight. The smug epithets and ridicule once reserved for anyone who wouldn't call a socialist a "liberal" is now heaped upon anyone who calls Obamacytes by their right names. They are advocates of cult-of-personality fueled submission to pervasive government control (complete with Hitler Jugend style reeducation of the young as uniformed "mandatory volunteers" programmed for loyal subservience to "the leaders" will). But the Devil take anyone who identifies them by the labels historically associated with the strikingly similar Nazi, Fascist, Stalin- and Maoist models of totalitarian socialism that wrecked havoc in the twentieth century.
Again and again Dr. Keyes correctly analyzes and labels the problem. I, as reckless as I am, would have went one step further to say that "centrists," "moderates," and "middle-of-the-roaders" are the largest group of "fifth column conservatives" that I know. They cringe whenever political policy moves off center in either direction. They despise what they consider "far right republicans," as well as "far left liberals." They want to be comfortable, but not too passionate. The problem with people who spend all their time in the middle of the road is that they get hit by traffic from both directions. Moreover, "moderate republicans" are really anathema to the the Grand Old Party, as they retain only the fiscal principles and none of the social and moral principles.

No doubt I'll be soundly corrected for saying so, but I believe moderate republicans bare a lion's share of guilt for why the country has shifted so far to the left as to allow an enemy like Barack Hussein Obama to be elected president. They do not see the need to oppose abortion, nor do they see the need to return to the moral values of our founding fathers. As I said before, all moderates, regardless of party, who stand in the middle politically are going to be hit with traffic from both directions. Their wishy-washy "let's just get along" views are worthless in the fight to secure our country and our Constitution, and are worthless against the far-left liberals fight to socialize our country.

I can hear them all whining even now..."can't we all just get along?"

People who will not see the obvious...

Any person who still believes that Obama is "Christian" is being willingly deceived. He kisses King Abdullah's ring, he tells Turkey that the U.S. is not, nor ever has been, at war with Islam (who does he think we're fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan?). And last, but certainly not least, he tells the French crowds that the American people are "arrogant." You know what "arrogant" is? It is the French people's lack of appreciation of the fact that the U.S.A. bailed them out in two different "world wars" that were mostly centered in Europe (hardly the whole world).

Any person who still believes that Obama is going to restore our financial system to its former robust activity is being willingly deceived. You cannot spend money that you do not have. You cannot tax your way out of recession/depression. Obama's main goal since usurping office has been to make sure that capitalism fails completely. He has been nationalizing business after business, industry after industry. Soon the government will own them all, and either socialism or sharia will be the law of the land (or some combination of the two). We are already sitting ducks for any nation who wishes to be the aggressor. Our resources are allocated elsewhere.

Personally, I no longer believe that he is a smart man. I don't know who is pulling his puppet strings, but the man can't put two sentences together without using either memorized talking points or a teleprompter. I guess there IS a reason after all to withhold all those college records. I guess there IS a reason why there are no law articles that bear his name, even though he was allegedly editor of the Harvard Law Review. One doesn't become editor of the Harvard Law Review (a magazine) without writing scads of articles reviewing appellate opinions of the day...unless, of course, you're Barack Obama.

So who is Barack Obama? I mean, really, who is he? Are all of his living relatives on his mother's side of the family dead? Did Stanley Arthur Dunham not have any brothers or sisters? Did Madelyn Dunham not have any brothers or sisters? We've already heard from the steps, halfs and half-halfs over in Kenya. What about Stanley Ann Dunham's side of the family? Is there no one left?

So, I ask again, who IS this Barack Obama? Are you being willingly deceived?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Here's A New One For Ya...Our Brains Are Wired For God

This great blog entry was originally written by a good conservative friend of mine. You can visit her blog here:

An Australian newspaper recently reported a rather remarkable scientific discovery. That our belief in God is organic in nature, that belief in God just doesn't happened to "diseased minds" as atheists are fond of pointing out. In fact, that those without any belief in God at all still have this "God spot" in their brain (there are three of them in fact) and it isn't people with just epilepsy or other brain abnormalities either. It was all the subjects they tested. You know where "God" resides within our brains? In the logic section! That is right. It is completely logical for us to believe in God and illogical for us not to.

Our brains are wired for God

The study included only 26 people but it is still a promising one. One that brings us closer to resolving what we as Christians already knew. God is not some made up fairy tale, but a real presence and we desperately need him. We all knew he lives in our heart but now we have proof that he absolutely lives in our minds as well. And more than anything, this study proves his love for all of us. Because they could've found these "God spots" in only his believers but it is in those who oppose him as well. Which means he has given a connection to all of us, equally and has not rescinded it from those who do not believe. What a wonderful and merciful God he is. Praise Almighty God, in Jesus name, Amen!

And the congregation all said...AMEN! :D Great article, Dena!! Dena pointed out in her comment that we should invite all of you to join her convervative network "A Black Conservative Digest" or ABCD (isn't that clever?). You'll find all sort of like-minded conservatives there.

I expect everyone to join, and I look forward to many engaging conversations!! :D

Monday, April 6, 2009

Tea Party Anthem...this is great!!!!

Thanks to the girls at SGP, this is a great YouTube video by Lloyd Marcus. It might be a little on the rocky side style wise, but you cannot argue with the lyrics and I don't believe it is so rocky that it can't be enjoyed by all.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Of republicans and third parties...

Once upon a time, I would have cringed to know that a 3rd party candidate was running in any election cycle. As a republican, many times the 3rd party candidate would only siphon off votes and keep the conservative out of office. Then I realized that many of the "top republicans" were moderates (quasi-liberals in my book), and the republican party seemed to be overrun with them. Thus began my alienation from the Grand Old Party. So, what's a conservative girl to do? Where do we go in order to elect conservative candidates? I always depended upon the republican party to throw up a conservative candidate, and now that they've stopped I am lost.

RushGal, a blogger on a conservative women's network site called "Smart Girl Politics," has a blog that echos those same feelings. She inspired me to write this short essay. Thanks, RushGal! I, like her, believe that a 3rd party is inevitable. I just hope that the country isn't so ruined by 2010 that we have trouble firing 1/3 of the Congress!!!! Each congressperson, no matter now nice you think him or her to be, has been a part of the problem to this point. They must be replaced by true conservatives.

The republican party is no longer the party of conservatives, and the conservatives have not yet migrated to a 3rd party. I look at the "republicrats" and "democrans" as two wings of the same bird (not an original phrase for me, I stole it from my friend Arlene Wright). It is sort of like being on a one-lane country road with the democrats being one ditch, and the republicans being the other. No matter which way you fall, you'll land in a ditch and get bruised and dirty.

I don't think the republicans are aware that they took such a "credibility hit." Then there's the Michael Steele gaffes. Boy he sure rallied the party, didn't he? NOT!! I had already aligned myself with America's Independent Party before Steele's election and his gaffes. It appears that I made the right choice. AIP is now the 3rd largest party in the nation, and our grassroots efforts are taking the country by storm. This Conservative Chick is the vice-chairman for the state of Kansas, and proud to serve. How many times have I gotten involved like this? Zero, zilch, nada. Does it take a lot of my time? Yes, but the invigorating effect it has on me is worth the sacrifice of a few TV shows. We have some of the most wonderful conservatives in the nation in our party.

AIP is a party like no other. Why? Well, mostly because we WANT to be a grassroots organization, thus staying in touch with "we the people" on a daily basis. We are commited to backing the true conservative in any election, no matter what party he/she is from. Folks, it isn't really about parties, is it? It is about beliefs, individual core beliefs. If those aren't lined up with Scripture or morals, then the battle to turn our country back to its conservative roots is already lost. I think President John Adams said it best, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

Therein lies the key...remember that ours is a democratic republic, not a democracy. Our nation is a "self government" form of government. I don't think that ever sank in until this past election cycle, when I realized what we had was "mob rule" instead of self governance. President John Adams also said, hitting the nail on the head again (it is almost prophetic), "
Democracy...while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide." I would say that we're in the suicide phase right now. At least that's how it seems to me. Also consider what President Thomas Jefferson said, "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."

I love Thomas Jefferson quotes...he is so pithy. Please indulge me...these are all quotes from President Jefferson:

"Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition."

"He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors."

"I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them but to inform their discretion."

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."

"I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever."

"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government."

Never spend your money before you have earned it."

"That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."

The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers." [Could we substitute "main stream media" for the word "newspapers?"]

To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."

Will you allow me two more quotes? All my adult life I have attributed the following quote to Thomas Jefferson, or at least one of our past presidents. Not so, my friends, not so. It appears the origin of the quotes are undetermined. Never-the-less, I like the sentiment of the quotes, and so I pitch them to you in the hopes that you will catch the idea that if we cannot stop voting ourselves "largesse" from the public treasury, we are sunk.

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship."

The above phrase appears to have originated with one Professor Tytler. The next phrase seems to have originated in a speech written by the owner of a cork company, Henning Prentis:

Paradoxically enough, the release of initiative and enterprise made possible by popular self-government ultimately generates disintegrating forces from within. Again and again after freedom has brought opportunity and some degree of plenty, the competent become selfish, luxury-loving and complacent, the incompetent and the unfortunate grow envious and covetous, and all three groups turn aside from the hard road of freedom to worship the Golden Calf of economic security. The historical cycle seems to be: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to apathy; from apathy to dependency; and from dependency back to bondage once more.

"At the stage between apathy and dependency, men always turn in fear to economic and political panaceas. New conditions, it is claimed, require new remedies. Under such circumstances, the competent citizen is certainly not a fool if he insists upon using the compass of history when forced to sail uncharted seas. Usually so-called new remedies are not new at all. Compulsory planned economy, for example, was tried by the Chinese some three milleniums ago, and by the Romans in the early centuries of the Christian era. It was applied in Germany, Italy and Russia long before the present war broke out. Yet it is being seriously advocated today as a solution of our economic problems in the United States. Its proponents confidently assert that government can successfully plan and control all major business activity in the nation, and still not interfere with our political freedom and our hard-won civil and religious liberties. The lessons of history all point in exactly the reverse direction. ~Henning W. Prentis

Dearest Readers, I hope you get a sense of purpose from the quotes, as they have given me much insight into our current problems. How to drag our dependent class out of selfishness and dependence? I do not know. Perhaps it is for people like us to keep sounding the clarion call, encouraging the people of our nation to return to the moral principles, both of our governing documents and of the founders themselves.
Once again, one of my favorite Bible teachers hits the nail squarely on the head! I hope and pray that you enjoy the occasional devotionals. I'm not trying to preach, but I just feel as though the concepts are so good that everyone needs to read them. Folks, our society, our nation, our politics are not going to change until we return to the moral principles of our founding fathers. We need to be able to boldly say that abortion is wrong, that illegal immigrants are criminals. We also need to be involved in the political system. We need strong, conservative candidates, people who aren't afraid to speak their heart, as well as their logic and knowledge.

It doesn't take much to be involved. Do you have a national calling plan at home? Can you make phone calls to remind folks to get out and vote and ask them to vote for our conservative. Do you like to walk? Can you distribute literature in your precinct? Are you a homeschooler? There is no better way to teach them about politics from the ground up than to help distribute literature from door to door. Do you teach in the public high schools and middle schools? What a perfect field trip at the end of the year to go out distributing literature for our conservative candidates.

Folks, we have to push harder than our liberal opponents. Never underestimate the power of your opponents. They are ruthless and strong. We must be stronger. We must invoke the power of our almighty God, just as King David did when he slew the giant, Goliath, with a stone to the forehead. How big is your God?
I have a very big and powerful God. He needs to be involved in our everyday matters once again. He needs to be involved in our public schools. He needs to be involved in our process of self-governance. He needs to be involved in your life. Can you, will you be politically involved? Can you, will you, be a champion for morality? America's Independent Party was formed for just this very purpose--to provide a structure through which the "common man" could have a political impact. If you have not checked them out, please do so today!


Weekend, April 4 & 5

Garden of Eden: Still Obedient

For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man's obedience many will be made righteous.
Romans 5:19

Recommended Reading
Genesis 3:8-10

The American economic crisis that developed in 2008 cannot be attributed to the fault of a single individual. But as perceived by the public, it was a case of one "group" of leaders making bad policy decisions which would need to be rectified by a new group of leaders—the incoming administration in 2009.

That is an oversimplification, but there is a biblical example of a "fault" and a "fix" that is easy to understand. The "fault" happened in the Garden of Eden when Adam chose to disobey God and eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And the "fix" came when the "last Adam" (1 Corinthians 15:45), Jesus Christ, chose to obey God and restore the human righteousness that the first Adam forfeited by his disobedience.

When you are tempted to disobey, remember the Garden of Eden—what the first Adam lost and the last Adam recovered—and choose to obey.

Just as obedience to the Lord is an indication of our love for him, so is it also a proof of our fear of God.
Jerry Bridges

2 Samuel 18:1 - 19:43 & 2 Samuel 20:1 - 22:51

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Friday, April 3, 2009

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled...

Pastor David Jeremiah is one of my favorite radio pastors, and he (or his organization) sends out this online daily devotional. This one is perfect for the times we are facing as a nation. America needs a revival, and I pray that our current troubles will be the needed spark to get things started.


Friday, April 3

Troublesome Times

The street shall be built again and the wall, even in troublesome times.
Daniel 9:25

Recommended Reading
John 14:1-6

At the end of last year, the New York Times carried this headline: "Bad Times Draw Bigger Crowds to Churches." The story said that "bad times" were "good" for churches because when people are "shaken to the core," they become more open to the message of the Bible. The newspaper reported that the revivals that swept the United States in the 19th century were often triggered or touched off by economic panics. The great Fulton Street Revival (also known as the Businessman's Revival) broke out in New York City during the financial panic of 1857. And research has shown that during each recession cycle between 1968 and 2004, the rate of growth in evangelical churches jumped by 50 percent.

We aren't praying for bad news, of course, but the Lord often works wonders in troublesome times. Even in our individual lives, we often find that times of spiritual growth occur when we're pressed beyond our strength. Troubles have a way of driving us afresh to Him who said, "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me" (John 14:1).

The Lord, who helped in troubles past, will save us to the very last.
From an old hymn, an anonymous paraphrase of Psalm 37:40

2 Samuel 15:1 - 17:29

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