Loyal to Liberty's latest post (if it isn't the latest, then seek it out) "Fifth Column Conservatives" is an intriguing piece. Dr. Keyes begins by defining the term fifth column: "Webster's online dictionary defines the phrase "fifth column" as "a group of secret sympathizers of an enemy that engage in espionage or sabotage within defense lines or in national borders." Keyes continues:
This phrase has been much on my mind of late as I consider the bloodless coup d'état that is currently underway in the United States. In speech and deed the Obama faction has displayed its intention to overthrow the Constitution of the United States.My intent in quoting from this article is to make you curious enough to go and read it for yourself. You won't be sorry. Later in the article, Keyes identifies those he believes are fifth column conservatives:
As it turns out the greatest threat to the effort to dispel complacency before it's too late doesn't come from the Obama faction. They have moved with alacrity to implement their agenda. Like a brake impaired double truck trailer hurtling down a steep incline, their excessive speed stirs up a gust hefty enough to shake the unwary from their stupor, provided no one explains it away as a harmless passing breeze. But some folks stamped with a phony imprimatur of "conservatism" are doing just that. At first people like this resisted the idea that we should call Obama a socialist, as I did during my campaign against him in Illinois in 2004. Now they themselves admit his socialism, but claim that it's a benign variety, well known in Western Europe to have caused no more than a mild epidemic of productivity-stifling bureaucracy, with no jackboots in sight. The smug epithets and ridicule once reserved for anyone who wouldn't call a socialist a "liberal" is now heaped upon anyone who calls Obamacytes by their right names. They are advocates of cult-of-personality fueled submission to pervasive government control (complete with Hitler Jugend style reeducation of the young as uniformed "mandatory volunteers" programmed for loyal subservience to "the leaders" will). But the Devil take anyone who identifies them by the labels historically associated with the strikingly similar Nazi, Fascist, Stalin- and Maoist models of totalitarian socialism that wrecked havoc in the twentieth century.Again and again Dr. Keyes correctly analyzes and labels the problem. I, as reckless as I am, would have went one step further to say that "centrists," "moderates," and "middle-of-the-roaders" are the largest group of "fifth column conservatives" that I know. They cringe whenever political policy moves off center in either direction. They despise what they consider "far right republicans," as well as "far left liberals." They want to be comfortable, but not too passionate. The problem with people who spend all their time in the middle of the road is that they get hit by traffic from both directions. Moreover, "moderate republicans" are really anathema to the the Grand Old Party, as they retain only the fiscal principles and none of the social and moral principles.
No doubt I'll be soundly corrected for saying so, but I believe moderate republicans bare a lion's share of guilt for why the country has shifted so far to the left as to allow an enemy like Barack Hussein Obama to be elected president. They do not see the need to oppose abortion, nor do they see the need to return to the moral values of our founding fathers. As I said before, all moderates, regardless of party, who stand in the middle politically are going to be hit with traffic from both directions. Their wishy-washy "let's just get along" views are worthless in the fight to secure our country and our Constitution, and are worthless against the far-left liberals fight to socialize our country.
I can hear them all whining even now..."can't we all just get along?"
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