It doesn't take much to be involved. Do you have a national calling plan at home? Can you make phone calls to remind folks to get out and vote and ask them to vote for our conservative. Do you like to walk? Can you distribute literature in your precinct? Are you a homeschooler? There is no better way to teach them about politics from the ground up than to help distribute literature from door to door. Do you teach in the public high schools and middle schools? What a perfect field trip at the end of the year to go out distributing literature for our conservative candidates.
Folks, we have to push harder than our liberal opponents. Never underestimate the power of your opponents. They are ruthless and strong. We must be stronger. We must invoke the power of our almighty God, just as King David did when he slew the giant, Goliath, with a stone to the forehead. How big is your God? I have a very big and powerful God. He needs to be involved in our everyday matters once again. He needs to be involved in our public schools. He needs to be involved in our process of self-governance. He needs to be involved in your life. Can you, will you be politically involved? Can you, will you, be a champion for morality? America's Independent Party was formed for just this very purpose--to provide a structure through which the "common man" could have a political impact. If you have not checked them out, please do so today!
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1 comment:
Hey girl, it's YOUR blog. Preach if you want to! :-)
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