Any person who still believes that Obama is "Christian" is being willingly deceived. He kisses King Abdullah's ring, he tells Turkey that the U.S. is not, nor ever has been, at war with Islam (who does he think we're fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan?). And last, but certainly not least, he tells the French crowds that the American people are "arrogant." You know what "arrogant" is? It is the French people's lack of appreciation of the fact that the U.S.A. bailed them out in two different "world wars" that were mostly centered in Europe (hardly the whole world).
Any person who still believes that Obama is going to restore our financial system to its former robust activity is being willingly deceived. You cannot spend money that you do not have. You cannot tax your way out of recession/depression. Obama's main goal since usurping office has been to make sure that capitalism fails completely. He has been nationalizing business after business, industry after industry. Soon the government will own them all, and either socialism or sharia will be the law of the land (or some combination of the two). We are already sitting ducks for any nation who wishes to be the aggressor. Our resources are allocated elsewhere.
Personally, I no longer believe that he is a smart man. I don't know who is pulling his puppet strings, but the man can't put two sentences together without using either memorized talking points or a teleprompter. I guess there IS a reason after all to withhold all those college records. I guess there IS a reason why there are no law articles that bear his name, even though he was allegedly editor of the Harvard Law Review. One doesn't become editor of the Harvard Law Review (a magazine) without writing scads of articles reviewing appellate opinions of the day...unless, of course, you're Barack Obama.
So who is Barack Obama? I mean, really, who is he? Are all of his living relatives on his mother's side of the family dead? Did Stanley Arthur Dunham not have any brothers or sisters? Did Madelyn Dunham not have any brothers or sisters? We've already heard from the steps, halfs and half-halfs over in Kenya. What about Stanley Ann Dunham's side of the family? Is there no one left?
So, I ask again, who IS this Barack Obama? Are you being willingly deceived?
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