Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tea Party Racism by my good friend, Emery McClendon

To Whom It May Concern:
The following is a response to charges of racism at Tea Parties. I hope that you will consider using it. Thank you

In response to the mainstream media outlets that are trying to discredit the Tea Party Movement as racist, I feel that it is imperative that the truth be presented by one who’s been there.

First of all let me say that I am a conservative African American and a Veteran. I have not only attended several Tea Parties, but I organized the Tea Party event in Fort Wayne, Indiana in April of 2009! The event turned out to be well attended. Our keynote speaker was also African American; former presidential candidate, Dr. Alan Keyes. I also recently was a speaker at the Indianapolis, Indiana 2010 Tea Party, and I was the Keynote speaker in Wabash, Indiana.

I am outraged at the biased coverage of these events. The racist accusations against the Tea Party movement are false and do not portray the truth about a movement which is waking up Americans to the principles that founded this great nation. Every day a new charge is made, and the major media outlets refuse to allow someone like me refute these allegations and defend the Tea Party, and those that attend the rallies.

I challenge the media to allow an African American conservative patriot to evaluate the Tea Party movement based on experience. I also accept the offer to be that person, because I would like to share the truth about them from my first hand experiences.

I have attended dozens of these events, and have been featured as a speaker at several of them. I have also served on several U.S. Senate candidate panels, and was the moderator at a Senate and Congressional debate. I have also been asked to serve as a speaker at Town Hall Meetings. It has been wonderful to meet and to talk to those that attend. These are folk that love their country, share a deep respect for our Constitution and those that serve in our nation’s Armed Forces. It is a movement that unites everyone, regardless of race, based on those beliefs.

I have never encountered any racism at any of the events that I have attended throughout Indiana or in other states. Even after being the only Black person at a Tea Party in an Indiana town that has a very racial history in the past. The people there were friendly, and allowed me to ask questions, and to speak to them.

I have also attended rallies in the nation’s capital, and these have also been with out any incident.

I cannot sit by and allow a movement such as this to receive unwarranted negative publicity.

The movement is driving true patriotic Americans back to our founding principles and recreating a love for our Constitution. It does this across racial and cultural barriers. The Tea Party movement is bringing us together to stand up for a common cause; that of restoring the traditional values which encompass all people who call themselves Americans. Perhaps unity is what is what the naysayers really fear and the race card is always a handy tool to divide the people.

FREEDOM and LIBERTY (Use Them Or Loose Them)

Emery McClendon / KB9IBW

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Green Tea's 10 Healthy Benefits

Who knew that green tea could do so much?  Article taken from Newsmax Health.

Green Tea’s 10 Healthy Benefits
Tuesday, April 20, 2010 8:07 AM
By Robin Berkowitz

Now there’s a scientific rationale for reading tea leaves: If they’re at the bottom of a cup of green tea, your future may hold better health.

Green tea, which undergoes less fermentation than other varieties, is a rich source of immune-boosting polyphenols. Like other plant antioxidants, polyphenols help neutralize free radicals, harmful particles that can damage cells and DNA, cause inflammation, and lead to a host of illnesses.

How much green tea do you need to reap the antioxidant rewards? In some cases, it could be as little as one cup a day. Here are 10 ways green tea is brewing health benefits:

Cancer: The risk of lung cancer appears to be five times lower for those who drink just one cup of green tea a day, according to a Taiwanese study. “The antioxidants may inhibit tumor growth,” I-Hsin Lin, of Taiwan’s Chung Shan Medical University, tells WebMD. Other studies link higher consumption of green tea with lower risk of numerous other cancers, including breast, stomach, skin, oral, esophageal, prostate, uterine, pancreatic, and colorectal cancer.

Heart disease: Those who drink green tea are significantly less likely to die from cardiovascular disease, according to research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. One study estimates that three cups of tea per day lowers the risk of heart attack by 11 percent.

Cholesterol: Green tea lowers total cholesterol and LDL (aka “bad”) cholesterol while boosting levels of HDL (“good”) cholesterol, reports the University of Maryland Medical Center.

Depression: A little more green may lighten the blues. A study of elderly Japanese individuals notes that those who drink more green tea experience fewer symptoms of depression.

Brain power: Japanese researchers also find that those aged 70 and up who drink at least two cups of green tea daily score better on tests of mental function including memory, attention, and ability to follow instructions.

Weight control: Green tea contains caffeine, a hammer in the dieting toolbox, but according to a Swiss study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, green tea boosts metabolism and fat-burning to a degree “beyond that explained by its caffeine content.”

Diabetes: Green tea aids in regulating blood sugar, the function impaired by diabetes. “Tea may be a simple, inexpensive means of preventing or retarding human diabetes,” write the authors of an animal study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

Kidney stones: Green tea can affect the formation of calcium oxalate crystals — the most common component in kidney stones – making them less likely to grow to problematic size before being eliminated from the body.

Vision: The tissues in the eye have been shown to absorb the antioxidants in green tea, indicating that “green tea consumption could benefit the eye against oxidative stress,” concludes a report in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Oxidative stress is linked to cataracts and glaucoma.

Colds: In laboratory conditions, the polyphenols in green tea can both kill influenza viruses or prevent them from infecting other cells.

To get the best out of your brewing, use green tea within six months of purchase. Steep it in water that’s slightly under the boiling point for about one minute (more or less according to taste) and garnish or sweeten as desired. But don’t add milk — the proteins will lessen the effectiveness of the tea’s polyphenols.

© 2010 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

Barack Obama has Awakened a Sleeping Nation

This article can be found at The Aspen Times:  Gary Hubbell: The Redneck tree hugger

Barack Obama is the best thing that has happened to America in the last 100 years. Truly, he is the savior of America's future. He is the best thing ever.

Despite the fact that he has some of the lowest approval ratings among recent presidents, history will see Barack Obama as the source of America's resurrection. Barack Obama has plunged the country into levels of debt that we could not have previously imagined; his efforts to nationalize health care have been met with fierce resistance nationwide; TARP bailouts and stimulus spending have shown little positive effect on the national economy; unemployment is unacceptably high and looks to remain that way for most of a decade; legacy entitlement programs have ballooned to unsustainable levels, and there is a seething anger in the populace.

That's why Barack Obama is such a good thing for America.

Obama is the symbol of a creeping liberalism that has infected our society like a cancer for the last 100 years. Just as Hitler is the face of fascism, Obama will go down in history as the face of unchecked liberalism. The cancer metastasized to the point where it could no longer be ignored.

Average Americans who have quietly gone about their lives, earning a paycheck, contributing to their favorite charities, going to high school football games on Friday night, spending their weekends at the beach or on hunting trips — they've gotten off the fence. They've woken up. There is a level of political activism in this country that we haven't seen since the American Revolution, and Barack Obama has been the catalyst that has sparked a restructuring of the American political and social consciousness.

Think of the crap we've slowly learned to tolerate over the past 50 years as liberalism sought to re-structure the America that was the symbol of freedom and liberty to all the people of the world. Immigration laws were ignored on the basis of compassion. Welfare policies encouraged irresponsibility, the fracturing of families, and a cycle of generations of dependency. Debt was regarded as a tonic to lubricate the economy. Our children left school having been taught that they are exceptional and special, while great numbers of them cannot perform basic functions of mathematics and literacy. Legislators decided that people could not be trusted to defend their own homes, and stripped citizens of their rights to own firearms. Productive members of society have been penalized with a heavy burden of taxes in order to support legions of do-nothings who loll around, reveling in their addictions, obesity, indolence, ignorance and “disabilities.” Criminals have been arrested and re-arrested, coddled and set free to pillage the citizenry yet again. Lawyers routinely extort fortunes from doctors, contractors and business people with dubious torts.

We slowly learned to tolerate these outrages, shaking our heads in disbelief, and we went on with our lives.

But Barack Obama has ripped the lid off a seething cauldron of dissatisfaction and unrest.

In the time of Barack Obama, Black Panther members stand outside polling places in black commando uniforms, slapping truncheons into their palms. ACORN — a taxpayer-supported organization — is given a role in taking the census, even after its members were caught on tape offering advice to set up child prostitution rings. A former Communist is given a paid government position in the White House as an advisor to the president. Auto companies are taken over by the government, and the auto workers' union — whose contracts are completely insupportable in any economic sense — is rewarded with a stake in the company. Government bails out Wall Street investment bankers and insurance companies, who pay their executives outrageous bonuses as thanks for the public support. Terrorists are read their Miranda rights and given free lawyers. And, despite overwhelming public disapproval, Barack Obama has pushed forward with a health care plan that would re-structure one-sixth of the American economy.

I don't know about you, but the other day I was at the courthouse doing some business, and I stepped into the court clerk's office and changed my voter affiliation from “Independent” to “Republican.” I am under no illusion that the Republican party is perfect, but at least they're starting to awaken to the fact that we cannot sustain massive levels of debt; we cannot afford to hand out billions of dollars in corporate subsidies; we have to somehow trim our massive entitlement programs; we can no longer be the world's policeman and dole out billions in aid to countries whose citizens seek to harm us.

Literally millions of Americans have had enough. They're organizing, they're studying the Constitution and the Federalist Papers, they're reading history and case law, they're showing up at rallies and meetings, and a slew of conservative candidates are throwing their hats into the ring. Is there a revolution brewing? Yes, in the sense that there is a keen awareness that our priorities and sensibilities must be radically re-structured. Will it be a violent revolution? No. It will be done through the interpretation of the original document that has guided us for 220 years — the Constitution. Just as the pendulum swung to embrace political correctness and liberalism, there will be a backlash, a complete repudiation of a hundred years of nonsense. A hundred years from now, history will perceive the year 2010 as the time when America got back on the right track. And for that, we can thank Barack Hussein Obama.

Gary Hubbell is a hunter, rancher, and former hunting and fly-fishing guide. Gary works as a Colorado ranch real estate broker. He can be reached through his website,

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Are Christians Outcasts in the United States?

Christians and moralists in the United States have been far too tolerant and silent for far too long. Now we are outcasts in our own Country--even though our Country was founded upon principles that are the very tenets of our faith in God. As we attempt to restore our Country to its former moral stature, those with whom we have been tolerant will not be tolerant in return. I predict that Christians will experience persecution like never before seen here in the United States, as the powers of darkness seek to retain control.

Rather than evangelizing unbelievers for the past several decades, those unbelievers demanded tolerance (and we complied). We told them they could believe whatever they wanted, just so long as they didn't force it on anyone else. Well guess what? They're not going to return the favor with us. If the Christians, tea partiers and others dissatisfied with the current direction of our government do not find a way to unite themselves in order to reclaim our Country...we are sunk!

Now is NOT the time to divide over theological and worship differences. Now IS the time to unite around the U.S. Constitution, read it, memorize it, read it in conjunction with the Federalist Papers. We must know our Constitution and the Federalist Papers so well that we know when someone is quoting it correctly...or not. And, we must know them well enough to be able to tell when the U.S. Supreme Court lays a big egg (like Roe v. Wade).  The time for doctrinal isolation and purity is in the private worship sector. By all means, worship God in the manner you see fit in your church or house of worship. However, you must come to terms with those who worship differently than you in order to save our nation from it's public woes.

Do NOT interpret any of the above to mean that I think abortion is a "right," "personal decision," or "states' rights" issue. I believe our founding documents clearly uphold the value of life, even pre-born life. It is always interesting to me that those who push abortion as a legal right are always those who have already been born.

Abortion is one social issue upon which all Christian faiths ought to agree; an issue upon which all moral people ought to agree. Yet, ironically, abortion is the one issue that divides the supposedly conservative Republican Party, even though their platform is a pro-life platform.  Until Christians and all moral people can come to terms on the issue of abortion, we will never see our Country restored to constitutional rule.
America's democratic republic [IMHO we are a Constitutional Republic] came about because, by God's providence, people who were highly influential American leaders at the time followed the discipline of faith and reason to conclusions about justice that recognized the right of the people to govern themselves. What leaders will do so now? Whoever they are, they represent the leaders the Tea Party movement needs to lift up as its representatives if, as its name implies, it is to be a faithful reiteration of the fabled spirit of 1776.  Where will they be found?  One thing is certain: not among those touted by the "Great Mentioners" in the puppet media, or in any way served up by the "God is unmentionable" crowd in control of the present party system. ~Dr. Alan Keyes, Which is Really the Third Party?, Sat. 17 April 2010.
Let's make God publicly mentionable again, and not just as a curse word. The atheists among us have just as much right NOT to listen as we do to speak. Speaking about your faith is NOT hate speech. Speaking about the consequences of Heaven and Hell is NOT hate speech. Condemning the act of homosexuality is NOT hate speech. What first brought the Pilgrims to the New World was the desire to be free to worship God in the manner they thought best represented the example of worship followed by the early church. Now, some 230+ years later, God is the great unmentionable in both major parties.

Those two parties, Democrats and Republicans, have surreptitiously enacted election laws at all levels of government which virtually assure that no candidate outside those two parties will ever be able to campaign for elected office.  What's worse, they have convinced the supposedly conservative party (Republicans) that if the conservatives don't vote for the GOP candidate, no matter how bad a choice he/she may be, that it will guarantee a Democrat win. If you repeat a lie enough times it becomes the truth, right?  And, so the people are so afraid of "splitting the conservative vote" they won't vote for the best candidate if they don't believe that candidate can win. It has become the total opposite of what our revered Founders intended.

It is time for all sects of the Christian faith to rise up in support of the U.S. Constitution, and for the morality that it espouses.  It is time for all sects of the Christian faith to let go of the lie that a woman has the right to choose between herself and her baby--who advocates for the baby?  The woman has a voice, but her pre-born offspring does not.

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.  Please don't stay on the couch.  Please get involved, and please don't trust either of the two major parties to tell you the truth about their candidate.  They're not in it for the good of the Country.  They're in it for the power high it gives them--why else would politicians (and parties) spend millions of dollars campaigning for a Congressional seat that pays only $174,000 per year?  Folks, when are you going to realize that we are being screwed by BOTH parties?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Mystery of Lawlessness is Already at Work

I tried very hard to get these verses into my "status square" in Facebook, but alas there were too many characters.  So, next best thing is to blog it, right?  If this passage doesn't reflect what is going on in the United States today, then nothing does.  Thoughts anyone?  (Yes, a thoughtlet from this morning's sermon.)  Look at the wings of the vulture carefully.

2 Thessalonians 2:7-12, NASB

7For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way.
 8Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming;
 9that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders,
 10and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved.
 11For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false,
 12in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bell logoJim headshot compressed
For Immediate Release                       April 8, 2010
 Jim Anderson wins Wichita Business Journal poll with 48% of the vote in KS-04 Republican race. 
Victory demonstrates Anderson's grassroots strength, and that his campaign's message is going viral.   
WICHITA, KS- Constitutional Conservative and small-business owner Jim Anderson has won the week-long Wichita Business Journal online poll with 48% or 2,970 votes from the total 6,188 , out of the field of four candidates vying for the Republican nomination in the Kansas 4th district.  "This is a great demonstration of the grassroots strength of our campaign, people understand that this is about a movement, not a man", stated Anderson on Thursday at the conclusion of the poll.  The poll was conducted from Wednesday March 31st until 2 AM on April 8th.  According to Wichita Business Journal editor Bill Roy, "voting was restricted by internet protocol address, limiting voting to one vote per computer, for the entirety of the week ", clarified Roy in statements on Wednesday.   
Anderson adds this poll victory to last week's endorsements by the Republican Liberty Caucus, and the 4th district Independence caucus, also known as i-caucus.  "People are waking up.  We already know these are extraordinary times in the history of our republic.  We have the opportunity to reverse course and return to Constitutional rule and citizen representation, or we can get the more of the same.  The time has come for both parties to stop sending the same kind of people, who are swayed by their party or financial interests, who consistently return the same results, the growth of government from both the right and the left.  As common sense citizens we always ask, how can they do this?  Why would they do these things?  We don't seem to understand, the reality is they are not like us.  They have lost their perspective in their quest for control, influence, and power.  They have proven they will abandon their principles and their rational minds for the opportunity of a new career in Washington D.C.  Enough is enough, we need to stop sending these people to represent us, and send the ones who are there home."  

Media Contact:
Shanen Taylor 
Media Coordinator
Jim Anderson 4 Congress
Authorized and paid for by Anderson for Congress, Aaron Hallacy-treasurer 

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Army 'Showdown' at Eligibility Corral

This post has nothing to do with racism.
This post has nothing to do with insurrection or sedition.
This post has nothing to do with sour grapes from the 2008 elections.
This post does ask valid questions about background of one Barack Hussein Obama.

1.  Why has BHO sealed records from Occidental College, Columbia University, Harvard University, and dozens of other places where personal background information could be gathered about BHO?

2.  Why won't BHO show the passport he traveled on when he was 19-20 years old?  or the passport used on trips taken as a U.S. Senator?

3.  Why is John Q. Public now footing the bill for defense of all the law suits that have challenged and do challenge BHO's eligibility to serve as President of the United States?  Isn't the U.S. Attorney General (and his deputies) supposed to represent the United States, not the President in his personal troubles?

4.  Given all that has happened with the recent health care reform back-room deals, do you really believe that Nancy Pelosi, Obama, Harry Reid, and the Chairperson of the DNC were telling the whole truth when they certified to all 50 states that Obama met the qualifications to be United States President?

5.  If he were not our [alleged] President, do you think BHO would pass a background check for his security clearance?

There were a few opportunities in BHO's life where he could have expatriated himself.  So, where BHO was born is not the only piece of important information we need to know.  We need the WHOLE story, from birth to adulthood.  Also important is the political bent of his mother, his grandparents, his mentor (Frank Marshall Davis), and his associates and friends.  Were they staunch defenders of the United States (Jeremiah Wright) or were they communist/socialist sympathizers (Saul Alinsky)?  Does this matter to you?  It does to me.

Why are so many active-duty military members risking court-martial for daring to ask to see BHO's background information?  This article from World Net Daily tells the story of yet one more military officer who dares to ask the big question..."are you eligible to give me orders?"  Definitely worth the read. 

Army 'showdown' at eligibility corral