Rather than evangelizing unbelievers for the past several decades, those unbelievers demanded tolerance (and we complied). We told them they could believe whatever they wanted, just so long as they didn't force it on anyone else. Well guess what? They're not going to return the favor with us. If the Christians, tea partiers and others dissatisfied with the current direction of our government do not find a way to unite themselves in order to reclaim our Country...we are sunk!
Now is NOT the time to divide over theological and worship differences. Now IS the time to unite around the U.S. Constitution, read it, memorize it, read it in conjunction with the Federalist Papers. We must know our Constitution and the Federalist Papers so well that we know when someone is quoting it correctly...or not. And, we must know them well enough to be able to tell when the U.S. Supreme Court lays a big egg (like Roe v. Wade). The time for doctrinal isolation and purity is in the private worship sector. By all means, worship God in the manner you see fit in your church or house of worship. However, you must come to terms with those who worship differently than you in order to save our nation from it's public woes.
Do NOT interpret any of the above to mean that I think abortion is a "right," "personal decision," or "states' rights" issue. I believe our founding documents clearly uphold the value of life, even pre-born life. It is always interesting to me that those who push abortion as a legal right are always those who have already been born.
Abortion is one social issue upon which all Christian faiths ought to agree; an issue upon which all moral people ought to agree. Yet, ironically, abortion is the one issue that divides the supposedly conservative Republican Party, even though their platform is a pro-life platform. Until Christians and all moral people can come to terms on the issue of abortion, we will never see our Country restored to constitutional rule.
America's democratic republic [IMHO we are a Constitutional Republic] came about because, by God's providence, people who were highly influential American leaders at the time followed the discipline of faith and reason to conclusions about justice that recognized the right of the people to govern themselves. What leaders will do so now? Whoever they are, they represent the leaders the Tea Party movement needs to lift up as its representatives if, as its name implies, it is to be a faithful reiteration of the fabled spirit of 1776. Where will they be found? One thing is certain: not among those touted by the "Great Mentioners" in the puppet media, or in any way served up by the "God is unmentionable" crowd in control of the present party system. ~Dr. Alan Keyes, Which is Really the Third Party?, Sat. 17 April 2010.Let's make God publicly mentionable again, and not just as a curse word. The atheists among us have just as much right NOT to listen as we do to speak. Speaking about your faith is NOT hate speech. Speaking about the consequences of Heaven and Hell is NOT hate speech. Condemning the act of homosexuality is NOT hate speech. What first brought the Pilgrims to the New World was the desire to be free to worship God in the manner they thought best represented the example of worship followed by the early church. Now, some 230+ years later, God is the great unmentionable in both major parties.
Those two parties, Democrats and Republicans, have surreptitiously enacted election laws at all levels of government which virtually assure that no candidate outside those two parties will ever be able to campaign for elected office. What's worse, they have convinced the supposedly conservative party (Republicans) that if the conservatives don't vote for the GOP candidate, no matter how bad a choice he/she may be, that it will guarantee a Democrat win. If you repeat a lie enough times it becomes the truth, right? And, so the people are so afraid of "splitting the conservative vote" they won't vote for the best candidate if they don't believe that candidate can win. It has become the total opposite of what our revered Founders intended.
It is time for all sects of the Christian faith to rise up in support of the U.S. Constitution, and for the morality that it espouses. It is time for all sects of the Christian faith to let go of the lie that a woman has the right to choose between herself and her baby--who advocates for the baby? The woman has a voice, but her pre-born offspring does not.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. Please don't stay on the couch. Please get involved, and please don't trust either of the two major parties to tell you the truth about their candidate. They're not in it for the good of the Country. They're in it for the power high it gives them--why else would politicians (and parties) spend millions of dollars campaigning for a Congressional seat that pays only $174,000 per year? Folks, when are you going to realize that we are being screwed by BOTH parties?
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