This post has nothing to do with racism.
This post has nothing to do with insurrection or sedition.
This post has nothing to do with sour grapes from the 2008 elections.
This post does ask valid questions about background of one Barack Hussein Obama.
1. Why has BHO sealed records from Occidental College, Columbia University, Harvard University, and dozens of other places where personal background information could be gathered about BHO?
2. Why won't BHO show the passport he traveled on when he was 19-20 years old? or the passport used on trips taken as a U.S. Senator?
3. Why is John Q. Public now footing the bill for defense of all the law suits that have challenged and do challenge BHO's eligibility to serve as President of the United States? Isn't the U.S. Attorney General (and his deputies) supposed to represent the United States, not the President in his personal troubles?
4. Given all that has happened with the recent health care reform back-room deals, do you really believe that Nancy Pelosi, Obama, Harry Reid, and the Chairperson of the DNC were telling the whole truth when they certified to all 50 states that Obama met the qualifications to be United States President?
5. If he were not our [alleged] President, do you think BHO would pass a background check for his security clearance?
There were a few opportunities in BHO's life where he could have expatriated himself. So, where BHO was born is not the only piece of important information we need to know. We need the WHOLE story, from birth to adulthood. Also important is the political bent of his mother, his grandparents, his mentor (Frank Marshall Davis), and his associates and friends. Were they staunch defenders of the United States (Jeremiah Wright) or were they communist/socialist sympathizers (Saul Alinsky)? Does this matter to you? It does to me.
Why are so many active-duty military members risking court-martial for daring to ask to see BHO's background information? This article from World Net Daily tells the story of yet one more military officer who dares to ask the big question..."are you eligible to give me orders?" Definitely worth the read.
Army 'showdown' at eligibility corral
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