Thursday, April 8, 2010

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For Immediate Release                       April 8, 2010
 Jim Anderson wins Wichita Business Journal poll with 48% of the vote in KS-04 Republican race. 
Victory demonstrates Anderson's grassroots strength, and that his campaign's message is going viral.   
WICHITA, KS- Constitutional Conservative and small-business owner Jim Anderson has won the week-long Wichita Business Journal online poll with 48% or 2,970 votes from the total 6,188 , out of the field of four candidates vying for the Republican nomination in the Kansas 4th district.  "This is a great demonstration of the grassroots strength of our campaign, people understand that this is about a movement, not a man", stated Anderson on Thursday at the conclusion of the poll.  The poll was conducted from Wednesday March 31st until 2 AM on April 8th.  According to Wichita Business Journal editor Bill Roy, "voting was restricted by internet protocol address, limiting voting to one vote per computer, for the entirety of the week ", clarified Roy in statements on Wednesday.   
Anderson adds this poll victory to last week's endorsements by the Republican Liberty Caucus, and the 4th district Independence caucus, also known as i-caucus.  "People are waking up.  We already know these are extraordinary times in the history of our republic.  We have the opportunity to reverse course and return to Constitutional rule and citizen representation, or we can get the more of the same.  The time has come for both parties to stop sending the same kind of people, who are swayed by their party or financial interests, who consistently return the same results, the growth of government from both the right and the left.  As common sense citizens we always ask, how can they do this?  Why would they do these things?  We don't seem to understand, the reality is they are not like us.  They have lost their perspective in their quest for control, influence, and power.  They have proven they will abandon their principles and their rational minds for the opportunity of a new career in Washington D.C.  Enough is enough, we need to stop sending these people to represent us, and send the ones who are there home."  

Media Contact:
Shanen Taylor 
Media Coordinator
Jim Anderson 4 Congress
Authorized and paid for by Anderson for Congress, Aaron Hallacy-treasurer 

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