Saturday, December 12, 2009

I Joined Independence Caucus--Will You?

A message to all from the Independence Caucus

In our Article II video, we showed you how Congress stuffed 9,000+ un-authorized earmarks into the 2008 budget and had Congress vote on it with less than 48 hours to review it...which meant each Congressman had only 18.8 seconds to review and approve each pork spending item.

On 12/10/09, Congress did it again, this time stuffing 5,000 earmarks into the 2011 budget and giving Congress less than 24 hours to review it...which comes out to only 17.2 seconds of review time for each earmark.

No Republican Incumbent voted for the budget, but MOST of them stuffed in earmarks...knowing that the Dems would pass the budget. They will now head home and trumpet how they "voted against the budget" but not how they stuffed in earmarks prior to the vote.

EXCEPT for Jason Chaffetz, who was on Neil Cavuto's show yesterday...Jason Chaffetz, who taught I-Caucus how to win elections without relying on money or begging for fair media coverage.

Take a look at Jason's 3 minute interview on Cavuto's show, where Cavuto pointed out that they verified that Chaffetz asked for no pork and was a man of his word:

THEN check out the last 45 seconds of Cavuto's show where he asks America to think about what Chaffetz is doing and what it would be like if we had 434 more Congressmen like him:

I would submit that this might be a great time to send these links along to your friends, neighbors, and associates...and let them know you joined I-caucus specifically to find, vet, endorse, and elect 434 more Congressman just like Chaffetz...and invite them to join you here to lend a hand.

Please join us at

Thank you to ALL of you who have already stepped forward.

Friday, December 11, 2009

I Don't Know Tiger Woods...

The Publican's Prayer
Posted: December 11, 2009
1:00 am Eastern
WorldNet Daily Exclusive Commentary
© 2009

I don't know Tiger Woods. And as a rule I avoid public comment on the private travails of others, even when their fame or notoriety inevitably makes them the subject of public attention and comment. For a long time, though, I have pondered the significance of the publican's prayer, the simple prayer Jesus recommends by contrast with the self-righteous conceit of the scrupulous Pharisee (Luke 18:9-14). As we come to know the dark passage of such an admired and popular public figure, the thoughts it inspires seem particularly timely and appropriate.

The Pharisee thanks God "that I am not as the rest of men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican." He cites his strict observance of the law to justify his sense of righteousness. Yet Christ makes clear that it is not the Pharisee but the publican, who "would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote his breast, saying, God be thou merciful to me a sinner" who "went down to his house justified."

The Scriptures tell us that Christ directed this account particularly at those who "trusted in themselves that they were righteous" and were so preoccupied by that conceit that they held the rest of humankind in contempt because of it. Yet on close observance of the text, we see that their attitude toward other people is not the only thing it affects. The publican's certainty of sinfulness makes him feel more fully the awesomeness of the presence of God. It weighs so heavily upon his brow that he cannot lift his head. As the Pharisee's confident self-righteousness makes him feel distant from other men, it also cuts him off from the salutary burden that signifies the near presence of God, the fear that marks and constitutes the birth of wisdom.

Perhaps the essence of this wisdom was conveyed by Christ at another time, when "a certain ruler asked him, saying, Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? None is good save one, that is, God" (Luke 18:18-19). All goodness depends entirely on the existence and presence of God. There is therefore no self-sufficient righteousness in the law, or in the will or actions of any human beings. As we cannot be good except by way of God's presence, our good actions belong rather to God than to us. So we are accounted righteous, as the Apostle Paul repeatedly reminds us "Even as Abraham believed [i.e., trusted in, relied on] God and it was reckoned unto him for righteousness" (Galatians 3:6). Of course, Abraham's belief was more than a state of mind. It was a consistent pattern of actions that were the consequence or fruit of that state of mind.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sacrificing For America Has Been Hijacked

Sacrificing for America Has Been Hijacked
By Michael Spence

There used to be a time when sacrificing for the greater good was considered an honorable thing. There also used to be a time when you could walk down the street and every house had an American flag displayed. What happened to those times? Sacrificing for America was what you did naturally, just like sticking up for your siblings against neighborhood bullies. Sacrificing for America was never a question, now it is. Why? It's in question now because you don't know if you want to defend the direction America is heading. No one thought things would get as skewed as they are. Society is now full of spoiled brats young and old that wouldn't know sacrifice if it slapped them in the face. Sacrificing for America now is pledging allegiance to Barack Obama and furthering the Marxist cause he has planned for this country. It's not mom and apple pie anymore. It's hookers and blow. It's not Norman Rockwell and John Wayne anymore. It's Larry Flynt and Sean Penn. Our society the way it is headed is not worth sacrificing for. A whole lot more needs to be done to correct the path we are on or we will end up a footnote in history.

Please do not take this wrong. I am not saying America is not worth fighting for. I am bound by my own creed to defend America. I defend the America of George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Ronald Reagan. I defend the America that is spelled out in the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution. Millions of Americans sacrificed their time, money and sometimes a lot more this past year protesting the evil that grips our country right now. If you are reading this you are sacrificing your time trying to educate yourself or to get a new or different perspective to combat the leftists you encounter. The people that put their hand over their heart when they hear the Star Spangled Banner are the ones that understand what is going to happen to America if we let it go down without a fight. Those people are sacrificing for all of us. It's not going to come to violence I hope, and we can assure that it doesn't by fighting back now and stopping the leftist democrats.

The key is to educate people and point out that the democrat party of 2009 is not the democrat party of 1960. The democrat leadership now wants to rule, not serve the country, and take us to a place devoid of the freedoms we have enjoyed for 233 years. These are the facts that must be taught to those that do not already know. Our time and money is what we will have to sacrifice which is a lot better than sacrificing blood. The sacrifices that President Obama and Vice President Biden have in mind are paying more taxes so they can seize more of your liberties. They would love it also if you perpetuated the removal of your freedoms by working for criminal fronts like ACORN and the SEIU to commit voter fraud to try and rig elections and also to get more people dependent on government entitlements. The slavery of the 21st century.

When the leftists talk about sacrificing for America, they mean help to destroy what we have built over the past 233 years and transform it into a depreciated quagmire run by guess who? That's right, leftist democrats. To the rank and file leftist its the idea of leftist utopia and the dream of peace and harmony, but to the leadership it is the dream of unmitigated rule. We all know the leftist utopia is not possible and leftist rule is not tolerable. Not on my watch is that going to happen. Not without a fight from me. America is the best country in the world because of the sacrifices of our ancestors, of blood, sweat and tears. To let it crumble is a slap in the face to anyone that died or lost the quality of their lives because they gave for America. Everyone in this country should go to Washington D.C. at least once in their lives. Not because of the White House or the Capitol Building or the Smithsonian etc, you should go to see the founding documents in the National Archives and then take a trip across the Potomac River to Arlington, Virginia and see the thousands that died keeping those documents salient. The people at Arlington sacrificed for America. They sacrificed everything they had or would ever have for America. Our honor would be gone if we allowed their efforts to be in vain.

When I talk to people about this subject I usually get a strange look. Most people are not going to willingly sacrifice their lives for a concept or a flag, but Americans sacrifice for America not because of a flag but because of what America stands for. America stands for your family and God and the wonderful freedoms we have. America stands for victory in everything we put our minds to, and the best that the world has to offer. America stands for the opportunities that this country provides because we are a free people with a free market economy. You sacrifice and fight to preserve the right to drive your car when you want, or eat what you want and all the little things that we all have taken for granted for years. I am willing to sacrifice for America, but not for Obama's vision. Fighting Obama's vision, is sacrificing for America for me. He cannot fool all of us and we are the majority and we will be in the "super" majority when we complete the monumental task of educating everyone in America to what is going on. I will cherish that day in November of 2010 and again in 2012 when we will all be able to see the fruits of our labor and sacrifice. It is the least we could do for the ones that have sacrificed before us and the ones that are going to sacrifice after us.

Posted by michael spence at 12/5/2009 6:25 AM