Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Specks and Planks

Today's Turning Point
Tuesday, September 14
Specks and Planks

Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
Matthew 7:5

Recommended Reading
Luke 6:37-42
Early in the film version of the near-disastrous Apollo 13 space flight, astronaut Jim Lovell is in his backyard, looking up at the moon that hangs small in the night sky. He holds up his thumb and it blocks out the entire moon from his sight. How could something so large be obscured from view by something so small?

It's all a matter of perspective. Things aren't often as they seem; sometimes a small thing can obscure something larger and more important. For instance, we may see a sin in the life of another person but fail to see our own giant, judgmental attitude. The small sin of another has blocked our view of our own larger problem. Jesus put it this way: Don't worry about the speck in another's eye until you've removed the plank from your own eye. Until our own eye is clear from a judgmental spirit, we are unqualified to judge the sins of another. Yes, the other person may have sinned, but God has not appointed us the judge of him.

Of all the sins in the world, God calls us to be concerned about only one before any other: our own. Once we have removed our plank, we can help our brother remove his speck.

No man's conscience is to be a judge for another.
C. H. Spurgeon

Malachi 1:1-Matthew 1:25


Monday, September 13, 2010

We Read The Constitution!

Press Release

September 6, 2010
Mary Ann Hartzler, Event Organizer
Local Residents to Gather on Sept. 18
for Public Reading of U.S. Constitution

Topeka Residents Take Part in Nationwide Readings of the Entire United States Constitution

When: September 18, 2010, 3:00 p.m.
Where: South Lawn, Kansas State Capitol Building

In an effort to help revitalize the nation’s civic culture, residents of Topeka, Kansas will come together at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 18, 2010, at the Kansas Capitol for a public reading of the U.S. Constitution.

The event will feature Vicki Tiahrt, wife of Congressman Todd Tiahrt, Patricia Stoneking, President of the Kansas State Rifle Association, ordinary citizens and other distinguished guests as public readers. It is one of hundreds of celebrations to be held on the same day in cities and towns all across the United States.

Event Organizer Mary Ann Hartzler said, “This event, and the hundreds like it across the country, is our way of expressing our respect and reverence for the importance of the nation’s founding charter and its relevance today.”

“This is a real grassroots effort, of ordinary Americans talking to each other on the Internet, to show there are people who think the nation’s civic culture is important. No matter what your political party affiliation, people should be able to rally around a celebration of the signing of our founding charter. Everyone should be familiar with the Constitution and what it says. We happen to think it is time for it to be read aloud,” Hartzler said.

In addition to local organizers, the We Read the Constitution Project is backed by national groups including Let Freedom Ring, Constituting America, Americans for Prosperity, The Heritage Foundation, and many others.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

History of Islam and how they build VICTORY MOSQUES

History of Islam and how they build VICTORY MOSQUES...
by Pamela Kafir Liner on Monday, September 6, 2010 at 3:46pm

The HISTORY OF ISLAM may hold answers to WHY it is so important for Moslems to build that GROUND ZERO MOSQUE.

In 630, Muhammad led 10,000 Muslim soldiers into Mecca and turned the pagans' most prominent spot, the Ka'aba, into the Masjid al-Haram Mosque.

In 634, Rightly Guided Caliph Umar conquered Syria and turned the Christians' most prominent spot, the Church of Job, famous for being visited by Saint Silva in the fourth century, into the Mosque of Job.

In 637, Caliph Umar conquered Hebron and turned the second-most prominent spot in Judaism, the Cave of the Patriarchs, into the Ibrahimi Mosque. (This was repeated by Saladin in 1188.)

In 638, Muslim generals Amr ibn al-As and Khalid ibn al-Walid conquered Gaza and turned the prominent fifth-century Byzantine church into the Great Mosque of Gaza.

In 638, Caliph Umar conquered Jerusalem.

In 691, Caliph Al-Malik ordered the _Dome of the Rock_ built on the most prominent spot in Judaism, the Temple Mount, followed by Caliph Al-Walid building the Al-Aqsa Mosque there in 705.

In 651, Muslims conquered Persia and turned Zoroastrian temples in Bukhara and Istakhr into mosques.

In 706, after Muslims took Damascus from the Byzantine Empire, Caliph Al-Walid turned the prominent Orthodox Church of St. John the Baptist into the Umayyad Mosque.

In 710, Gen. Muhammad bin Qasim conquered Pakistan, defiled the prominent Sun Temple in Multan, which house the great idol "sanam," and erected a mosque.

In 784, after the conquest of Spain, Emir Abd ar-Rahman turned the prominent Visigothic Christian Church of Saint Vincent into the Great Aljama Mosque of Cordoba. After the conquest of Egypt, Caliphs al-Mamun (813-833) and al-Hakim (996-1021) turned prominent Coptic Christian churches and Jewish synagogues in Cairo into mosques.

In 831, Muslims conquered Palermo, Sicily, and Asad ibn al-Furat turned the prominent Church of Saint Mary of the Assumption into the Great Mosque of Bal'harm. In 1193, Muslims conquered Delhi, India, and Qutbuddin Aibak turned the Red Citadel in Dhillika, the most prominent spot of the last Hindu rulers, into the Qutb Minar Mosque.

From 1250-1517, Mamluk Muslims controlled the Golan Heights and used the ancient Synagogue of Katzrin as a mosque.

In 1387, Turkish Muslims conquered Thessaloniki and turned the Katholikon Monastery and the Church of Aghia Sophia, which housed the relics of Saint Gregorios Palamas, into mosques, as Symeon of Thessaloniki recorded: "The greatest number of the buildings of the churches fell to them, of which _the first_ was the Holy Church of the Savior. … These were trampled underfoot and the infidels rejoiced in them. … Most of thhe religious buildings in the city were despoiled, while altars were demolished and sacred things profaned."

On May 29, 1453, Sultan Mehmet II conquered Constantinople and turned the great Byzantine church, Hagia Sophia, into the Ayasofya Mosque. The _largest_ church in Christendom for a thousand years, the church's four acres of gold mosaics were covered with whitewash and Quran verses.

In 1458, Sultan Mehmet II conquered Athens and turned the Greeks' most prominent spot, the Parthenon on Acropolis hill, into a mosque. When Venetian Gen. Francesco Morosini drove the Muslims out in 1687, a cannonball hit the gunpowder stored in the mosque, blowing it up. In the 15th century, Ottoman invaders turned Saint Clement's Macedonian Orthodox Monastery in Plaosnik, Balkans, into the Imater Mosque.

From 1519-1858, Muslim Mughal rulers gained control of India and turned over 2,000 Hindu temples into mosques, including demolishing the Temple of Ram Janmabhoomi in Ayodhya, the birthplace of Rama, and replacing it with the Babri Mosque. India's Mughal Muslim ruler, Jahangir (1605-1627), wrote in Tujuk-i-Jahangiri: "At the city of Banaras [was] a temple. … I made it my plea for thhrowing down the temple … and on the spot, with the very same materials,, I erected the great mosque."

In 1543, Hayreddin Barbarossa's 30,000 Muslim troops wintered in Toulon, France, and turned the prominent Toulon Cathedral into a mosque.

In 1570, under Sultan Selim II Khan, Muslims conquered Paphos, Cyprus, and Gov. Mehmet Bey Ebubkir turned the prominent Christian church into the Great Mosque of Paphos.

In 1571, Muslims invaded Famagusta, Cyprus, and turned Saint Nicolas Cathedral, a rare Gothic church, into the Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque, and Saint Sophia Cathedral in Nicosia, constructed in 1228, into the Selimiye Mosque.

In 1588, Sultan Murat III turned the Eastern Orthodox Church of Saint John the Forerunner in Constantinople into the Hirami Ahmet Pasha Mosque.

In 1781, after having conquered the Old City of Acre, Ottoman Muslims turned the Roman Catholic church built by Crusaders into the Jezzar Ahmet Pasha Mosque, where a hair from Muhammad's beard is preserved.

In 1923, Muslims expelled Greeks from Turkey and turned Orthodox churches into mosques. In World War II, Nazis allied with Bosnians and turned the prominent Artists' Gallery Museum in Zagreb, Croatia, into a mosque.

In the 1950s, Muslims expelled Jews from Arab lands and turned synagogues into mosques. Algerian Muslims warred against French colonial rule till France pulled out in 1962, after which the Cathedral of St. Philippe was turned into the Ketchaoua Mosque. Violence against Jews caused 30,000 to flee and the Great Synagogue of Oran was turned into the Mosque Abdellah Ben Salem.

In 1974, Turkish Muslims invaded northern Cyprus, and prominent Greek Orthodox churches were turned into mosques. In 1981, Muslim immigrants to the Netherlands converted Amsterdam's historic Catholic Sint-Ignatiuskerk into the Fatih Mosque, and a synagogue in The Hague into the Aksa Mosque.

William J. Federer is the author of: "What Every American Needs to Know About the Quran: A History of Islam and the United States."

The Invincible Sword: The Sword Can Go Anywhere

Today's Turning Point
Weekend, September 11 & 12
The Invincible Sword: The Sword Can Go Anywhere
I suffer trouble as an evildoer, even to the point of chains; but the word of God is not chained.
Recommended Reading
Psalm 119:9-1
2 Timothy 2:9
Two women were recently arrested in Louisiana for bringing a Bible to jail. The problem was the version. The Bible they carried with them was the NMV--the New Methamphetamine Version. The women had hollowed the book out and were using it to smuggle crystal methamphetamine to an inmate.

While it's foolish to smuggle drugs into a prison, the greater tragedy was discarding the contents of God's Book. What the inmate really needed was the Sword of the Spirit. That's a sword no metal detector will stop. The Word of God is unchained; it can go anywhere we can go, particularly if it's hidden in our hearts. 

Scripture memory makes the Bible portable; you can take it with you everywhere without packing it in a purse or briefcase. It makes Scripture accessible day and night. It allows God's words to sink into your brain and permeate your subconscious and even your unconscious thoughts. It gives you a word to say to anyone, in season and out of season.

Stockpile the armory of your mind with God's Word today.

We must go to heaven sword in hand, all the way.
Charles H. Spurgeon

Haggai 1:1-Zechariah 9:17