Sunday, August 29, 2010


It’s been said that God first separated the salt water from the fresh, made dry land, planted a garden, made animals and fish.... All before making a human. He made and provided what we’d need before we were born. These are best and more powerful when eaten raw. We’re such slow learners.... God left us a great clue as to what foods help what part of our body! God’s Pharmacy! Amazing!

 A sliced Carrot looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye.... And YES, science now shows carrots greatly enhance blood flow to and function of the eyes.

A Tomato has four chambers and is red. The heart has four chambers and is red. All of the research shows tomatoes are loaded with lycopene and are indeed pure heart and blood food.

Grapes hang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart. Each grape looks like a blood cell and all of the research today shows grapes are also profound heart and blood vitalizing food.

A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds on the nut are just like the neocortex. We now know walnuts help develop more than three (3) dozen neuron-transmitters for brain function.

Kidney Beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function and yes, they look exactly like the human kidneys.

 Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb and many more look just like bones. These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23% sodium and these foods are 23% sodium. If you don’t have enough sodium in your diet, the body pulls it from the bones, thus making them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body.

Avocados, Eggplant and Pears target the health and function of the womb and cervix of the female - they look just like these organs. Today’s research shows that when a woman eats one avocado a week, it balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight, and prevents cervical cancers. And how profound is this? It takes exactly nine (9) months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000 photolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods (modern science has only studied and named about 141 of them).

Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Figs increase the mobility of male sperm and increase the numbers of sperm as well to overcome male sterility.

Sweet Potatoes look like the pancreas and actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics.

Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries.

Oranges, Grapefruits, and other Citrus fruits look just like the mammary glands of the female and actually assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts.

Onions look like the body’s cells. Today’s research shows onions help clear waste materials from all of the body cells. They even produce tears which wash the epithelial layers of the eyes. A working companion, Garlic, also helps eliminate waste materials and dangerous free radicals from the body.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Principle Eight: Men Are Endowed by Their Creator With Certain Unalienable Rights

By John Dummett Jr.

In William Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England, he said, “Rights that God has established natural, like life and liberty, do not need human laws to be vested in all men.” No legislature on Earth has the power or the ability to destroy them unless a person, who commits an act that forfeits them, does. (Commentaries 1:93) If someone attempts to deny our God given rights in this life, that person will have to answer to God’s Justice in the next.

Vested rights created by the community, state or the nation, for the protection of one’s self, unlike God’s rights, can be changed at the whim of lawmakers, but in no uncertain terms can those lawmakers destroy the right to life and liberty. For example, the state can make a law where it is legal to hunt on certain lands during certain times or the state can make laws that imprison men for crimes committed against the community. However if lawmakers attempt to make a law to destroy babies in the womb or incarcerate someone just because of the way they look or think, those laws would be against God’s Laws. In one case because it denies a person the unalienable right to life and the other case it destroys the unalienable right to liberty. The only way a person forfeits his or her right to life and liberty is if they do something to forfeit those rights.

Property rights are essential to the pursuit of happiness. Like usual, people have often guessed at what our Founding Fathers meant by what they wrote in the Constitution concerning almost everything. When the Constitution was written, the concepts written down were well understood by everyone. There was no ambiguity or confusion at all. John Adams said, “All men are born free and independent and have certain natural, essential and unalienable rights, many of which may be reckoned the right of enjoying and defending their lives and liberties; that of acquiring, possessing and protecting property; in fine that of seeking and obtaining their safety and happiness. (George A Peek Jr. ed. The Political Writings of John Adams [New York: Liberal Arts Press, 1954], p.96.)

William Blackstone boiled natural rights down to three important ones. He called these “Great Natural Rights.” The right of personal security, the right of personal liberty and the right of personal property. (Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England, 1:219-20; emphasis added.)

The protection of unalienable rights was inserted into the individual State Constitutions as well as the Federal Constitution. Most importantly all unalienable rights are founded upon the protection of life. Unalienable rights relate to life itself and the preservation of these rights are directly related to one’s self preservation. God has given man all the needed characteristics to preserve, develop and perfect life. God’s gift of natural rights precedes all human laws and is superior to them. Life, liberty and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty and property existed beforehand that caused man to make laws for the protection of them in the first place. (Frederick Bastiat, The Law [Irvington-on Hudson, N.Y.: The Foundation for Economic Education, Inc., 1974], pp.5-6.)

Principle Seven: The Principle Role of Government is to Protect Equal Rights and Not Equal Things

By John Dummett Jr.

There are a lot of Americans out there who think it is the duty of the federal government to take from the haves and give it to the have nots. In this nation the government has no right to do such a thing.

The Founding Fathers believed the government did not have the power to do anything that the people themselves could not do. For instance, since everyone is entitled to protection of life and property it was alright for the government to set up a police force to protect the lives and property of the people. However, if it is determined that someone has too much property nobody, especially the government, has the right to take that excess property and give it to someone who has less or none. A person is entitled to his property. Nobody can help themselves to the property of others and give it to anyone else and neither can the federal government. To own property is a natural right and therefore property is to be protected.

Our Founding Fathers realized that the second the government attempts to level the playing field by taking away from the haves to give to the have nots the government will then have the power to deprive people from any or all of their other rights to justify their government action. This is not equal justice because you deprive the haves of their equal rights.

The Founding Fathers determined that everyone has the right to prosper and that being rich is not such a bad thing. In fact it was to be encouraged and the more the merrier. Being rich was not to be penalized. By allowing people to become as rich as they can, depending upon the effort they expend, would lead to a nation dominated by a prosperous Middle Class. As long as there is liberty, the ability to prosper is permitted for everyone. By using government to provide equal rights for all and not equal things, the people would work harder to prosper to get the things they need and want.

The framers of the Constitution had a deep concern for the less fortunate though. What they feared the most was by taking from the haves and giving it to the have nots would only encourage idleness, as many of the liberal welfare programs have proved time and time again. When something is given, instead of earned, the will to work for something is diminished. What this creates is a society that becomes dependent upon the public
dole. The have nots who have the right to vote will constantly vote for the candidate that will give them the most with the least effort. This is human nature. For a society to be healthy it must be comprised of individuals who strive to prosper rather than have things given to them.

There are times however when the have nots really and truly need help, so the Founding Fathers came up with a concept to deal with this called "Calculated Compassion."
  1. Do not help the needy completely, help them to help themselves.
  2. Give to the poor the satisfaction of "earned achievement." You don't reward without achievement.
  3. Allow the poor to climb the success ladder.
  4. Where emergency help is provided, don't prolong it to where it becomes habitual.
  5. Strictly enforce the scale of "fixed responsibility" from individual, to the church, to the community, then to the State when helping individuals in need.
The framers of the Constitution wanted a level playing field, but this field was to be equal for every citizen to play on. However, to protect the equal rights of all citizens it would never be the duty of the federal government to become involved in charity or public welfare.

Principle Six: All Men Are Created Equal

By John Dummett Jr.

"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal." The Founding Fathers did not mean to imply that all men were exactly alike. What they meant by being equal was we are all equal in the sight of God. We have equal rights in the protection of one’s rights. I have already discussed at great lengths God’s expectations of man. Equality before the law means the same law will be tried to try every man. It also does not depend upon which class one belongs to. With an equality of rights each man has the same God given rights to life and liberty.

The Constitution protects our rights in these ways. Our Rights are protected:
  1. at the bar of justice to secure our rights
  2. at the ballot box to vote for the candidate of our choice.
  3. at the public school to obtain and education.
  4. at the employment office to compete for a job.
  5. at the real estate agency to purchase or rent a home.
  6. at the pulpit to enjoy freedom of religion.
  7. at the podium to enjoy freedom of speech.
  8. at the microphone or before a television camera to present issues of the day.
  9. at the meeting hall to peaceably assemble.
  10. at the print shop to enjoy freedom of the press.
  11. at the store to buy things.
  12. at the bank to save and to prosper.
  13. at the tax collectors office to pay no more than your fair share of taxes.
  14. at the probate court to pass on to your heirs the fruits of your life’s labors.
We are a nation made up of minorities because at one time or another we all were. No where else on Earth is there more ethnic groups represented who have migrated to another nation. However minorities are treated with equal rights as long as they become citizens of this nation. To do this they must learn how to speak English, become economically independent and most of all they should assimilate into the culture of the United States so we are all one people.

The Constitution had four amendments that were added to it to ensure that equal rights were applied to all citizens of the United States. After 1789 the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Nineteenth Amendments were added. The Thirteenth Amendment provided for universal freedom. The Fourteenth Amendment provided for the universal rights of citizenship. The Fifteenth Amendment and the Nineteenth Amendment were passed to provide voting rights regardless of color, race or sex.

In the United States there is equal opportunity but not equal results. There is equal freedom but not equal capacity. There is equal protection but not equal status. There are equal educational opportunities but not equal grades.

The beauty of the system is we are given an equal opportunity to excel or to fail depending upon how much or how little effort an individual puts into it. Equal rights do not mean you have equal things. The only things that equal rights do is to provide us all an equal playing field. How far we succeed in life depends upon how much effort we are willing to expend. In this way all men are created equal.

Principle Five: All Things Were Created by God, Therefore, Upon Him all Mankind Are Equally Dependent, And to Him They Are Equally Responsible

By John Dummett Jr.

Atheism is nothing more than the unwillingness to accept the idea that something cannot be created out of nothing. It is shows the unwillingness to admit that should God exist, one is accountable to this Being for his/her behavior.

No reasoning human being can deny that something is going on all around us. If it is true that the Universe spontaneously created itself out of nothing, then why is there anything at all? It flies against all reasoning that something can be created out of nothing because you have to have something to create something.

To deny the existence of God only shows the incapability of Man’s mind to comprehend things beyond his ability to do so. Everybody can see reality. It is all around us. It is apparent to everyone that something is going on and we are a part of it. But if the universe instantly appeared out of nothing then how could there be anything? Nothing means just that. In order to have something, something has to be there in the first place. Logic would tell anyone that there had to be something to come from, and that something is God.

Atheism is the easy way out to explain that there could be a power way beyond Man’s mind to comprehend. It is easier to just say the universe just happened than to explain that there is something behind reality. Man proves his existence by saying “I exist, therefore I am!” If man exists then God has to exist. It is easy as that. But how does one prove there is a God? The simplest way to prove the existence of God is to realize that things exist in the first place. If there was not a God, nothing would exist. Whatever brought the entire Universe into existence had to be something. Rational, thinking human beings know this something as God.

The Bible tells us Man was created in the image of God. Is this a physical image, or an image based upon all the sublime qualities of God like the ability to think, to rationalize, to know the difference between right and wrong, love, compassion and most important of all, a sense of what is just?

All of these qualities found in men flow from God. The greatest self-evident truth that our Founding Fathers understood was the existence of a Creator of the Universe. When God created the Universe he arranged it in such a way that impressed certain principles on matter that could never be departed from, otherwise the Universe would cease to exist. The Universe is orderly and governed by laws and these laws were revealed to man through God. A just society is based upon God’s revealed laws for Man. These laws themselves are based upon a moral code that allows man to know the difference between right and wrong. Our Judeo-Christian heritage has taught us that God arranged and impressed principles upon the Universe. These laws are called “The Laws of Nature.” Just as there are laws of nature, there are laws that govern human behavior. William Blackstone (1723-1780) said the laws of human nature had been revealed by God, whereas the laws of the Universe must be learned through scientific investigation. (Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England ed. William Cary Jones, 2 vols. [San Francisco: Bancroft Whitney Co. 1916] pp.56-58.) Blackstone also stated that “upon these two foundations, the law of nature and the law of revelation all human laws depend.”

The Founding Fathers’ understanding of God’s natural and revealed law caused them to hold them in high regard and as such, treat them as a social scaffold around which to build our nation. Early in the history of our nation our Founding Fathers believed the Creator was benevolent and intelligent. They believed that God listened to, and acted favorably toward, the people’s prayers for help, especially when those prayers were just and for a good cause.

God was seen as being exceptionally benevolent towards the nation in our endeavor to be released from the bondage and rule of England. George Washington himself said there were at least sixty-seven moments during the Revolutionary War that, had God not intervened, our struggle for independence would have gone for naught. (Rise and Fight Again [New York: Dodd, Mead & Co. 1976]’p379.) Our Founding Fathers, to a man, believed that it was divine providence that the United States of America was created. This is why our national motto is “In God We Trust.” By the outcome of the Revolutionary War the idea that all things were created by God, and that all of mankind was dependent and responsible to him was universally accepted.

Without God, this nation can not endure. It is through God’s divine protection that the United States of America continues to be a beacon of hope for the entire world.

This will continue so long as we recognize we can’t do anything without God’s help.

Principle Four: Without Religion the Government of a Free People Cannot be Maintained

By John Dummett Jr.

Our original Founding Fathers placed a great deal of confidence that the role of religion in America, would be a leading one.

With the passing of the "Northwest Ordinance" the Founding Fathers had made it clear that it was of the utmost importance to teach religion and morality in the public schools. They did this to insure that religion and morality would continue to be a major part of what it means to be a citizen of this nation.

Formal education in our young nation was to include three important subjects, Religion, Morality and Knowledge. The teaching of Religion was to give students an understanding about man’s origin and his relationship to the universe. Morality was taught to show people there was an absolute standard of behavior between right and wrong and finally, teaching knowledge, fostered intellectual awareness about the facts surrounding the inquiry into the Earth and Human sciences.

The teaching of religion in the schools was restricted to universal fundamentals. The Founding Fathers hoped to make the teaching of religion as a means to unify America culturally. The tenets to be taught in the schools had to be universally accepted by all faiths.

Benjamin Franklin described what he thought were the fundamental points of any sound religion. He believed in one God who created the universe, who ought to be worshiped. He also believed that the most acceptable service we could do for our Creator was in doing good for all of God’s children. To Franklin the soul of man was immortal and will be treated with justice in the next life based upon his conduct in this one. (Writings of Ben Franklin 10:84)

The Founding Fathers decided that five fundamentals were to be taught in the public schools.

1. There is a Creator who made all things and God should be worshiped for it.
2. God revealed a moral code of behavior that distinguished between right and wrong.
3. God holds man accountable for the way man treats others.
4. There is a life beyond this one.
5. Man will be judged in the next life based upon what he did in this one.

These Five Fundamentals were referred to by our Founding Fathers as the "Religion of America" and they were to be taught in the public schools along with morality and knowledge. Samuel Adams said, "These fundamental beliefs belong to all of the world’s faiths and could therefore be taught without being offensive to any sect or denomination" (Wells. Life of Samuel Adams, 3:23) Thomas Jefferson understood these beliefs to be the "principles in which God had united us all." Even George Washington warned us that "of all the dispositions and habits that lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports."

Many in today’s society wrongfully believe that the Founding Fathers prescribed a clear separation of Church and State. What they actually wanted and envisioned was a system were the clergy would remain separated politically from the government but would provide a moral stability among the people which in turn would allow government to prosper. There was to be a separation of Church and State but not a separation of State and Religion.

The churches in early America perpetuated the social and political culture of the United States. It was the duty of the clergy to keep religious principles and moral values within the hearts of the American people because this was the way to ensure freedom and political security for the people. The greatest achievement of the Founding Fathers towards religion was to provide legal equality for all religions or no religion at all, and at the same time, it excluded the federal government from all the problems relating to religion and the Church. A national policy on religion would have caused a catastrophe had the government tried to establish a national policy on religion. To solve this problem, the First Amendment to the Constitution was penned. It states "Congress should make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Instead of establishing a single religion that would encompass all of the States, the federal government left it up to the individual States to decide which religious denomination they would adhere to.

From the moment the First Amendment was enacted, any influence whatsoever from the federal government, in any religious matter, was supposed to be eliminated forever. Now there was a "Wall of Separation" between Church and State. However it was never intended that the individual States would have to exercise the same "hands off" attitude the federal government had to observe. The Supreme Court of the United States in recent years has clearly over stepped its authority by requiring the States to build the same wall between Church and State. The people have allowed the federal government to limit the most precious of all our rights and that is the right to combine religion and the American Institution of Freedom.

The Five Truths of Religion previously mentioned, provided the framework for the entire Constitution. Property rights, civil rights and the obligation of the people to support the Constitution in protecting their rights were based upon those five tenets.

Without religion a government of a free people will fail.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Principle Three: The Most Promising Method of Securing a Virtuous and Morally Stable People is to Elect Virtuous Leaders

By John Dummett Jr.

First of all, what is the definition of virtuous?

The World English Dictionary defines virtuous as:
Characterized by or possessing virtue or moral excellence; righteous; upright.

“When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice; but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” (Proverbs 29:2) No truer words have been written concerning the people whom we elect, time and time again. We continually elect people who promise us the moon but they never deliver it. Instead of remembering the broken promise, the very next opportunity we get to elect someone else, we develop a case of amnesia and vote the very same liars to office again. Each and every election we are made promises of change but the only change we get is a change in faces and not in deeds.

There are currently two major parties that rule over us in the United States. These are the Democrats and the Republicans. At face value Democrats are associated with Liberalism and the Republicans are associated with Conservatism. Members of each party will tell you that their party is the best thing for American since the invention of sliced bread when in fact, over time, both parties have merged their ideologies into an ideology that encompasses modern values. To many these values have strayed a dangerous distance from Natural Law and the Law of God. Party dogma used to define the differences between the two parties, but now, both parties are only concerned with maintaining power and control over the people through an all powerful central federal government.

Many people who want to buck the system and establish a party more sensitive to the needs of the people instead of the established party are ridiculed and told about the futility of attempting to establish a party more responsive to the needs of the people. Because of this no third party can ever garner enough support to become a viable alternative to the two major parties. Adherents of the two party systems believe a third party will never get off the ground, and to cast a vote for a third party candidate equals a wasted vote. Since we can’t launch a viable third party, we are left with the same tired, worn out two party system where the candidates put up for us to vote on aren’t much different than the members of either party. What we are left with is an established oligarchy dedicated to remaining in power to provide their members a livelihood, power and wealth rather than providing solutions to fix our broken nation.

The Founding Fathers of this country understood human nature which in reality is a mixture of good and evil people. They realized that in order to have the least intrusive government, the wisest, most experienced and virtuous people would have to offer themselves up for election to public office. Since all men are frail and subject to the temptation of ultimate power, the Founding Fathers hoped that society would develop a spirit of public virtue. All citizens who aspired to public office would have to rise to the office on personal merit and not from a position of wealth, power or personal reputation of his or her ancestors.

Thomas Jefferson believed in the philosophy of social responsibility. All good citizens should be willing to accept a major role in public life for the betterment of the nation. He also believed that people of talent with demonstrated qualities of leadership would exhibit a sense of duty towards their country rather than his or her own interests. Instead of obtaining office because of wealth or special interests, people would serve based solely on the virtue of patriotism towards one’s nation. For the good of the nation, it is imperative to encourage citizens who exhibit qualities of leadership to volunteer for public service. The greatest threat to our nation would be the moment when virtuous and moral people refuse to run for office because of open ridicule and harassment directed towards those who wish to hold public office. Because of this, the best, most virtuous of people would not want to put themselves or their families through all the trouble and heartache of running for public office. Even so, it is a natural tendency to encourage others to run for office without getting involved themselves. This leaves individuals interested in self aggrandizement and self interest to run for office.

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson wanted to make sure that public office would never be seen as a money making venture. A lot of politicians are attracted to the love of power and money. Unfortunately Adams and Jefferson would be appalled by the people who currently run for office because they are in fact primarily concerned with using public service as a means to provide a career and a livelihood as well as a path to unbridled power. The needs of the nation have taken a back seat to the needs of the individual politician.

As to the need of a virtuous and moral people to hold public office Benjamin Franklin asked, “And what kind are the men that will strive for this profitable preeminence, through all the bustle of cabal, the heat of contention, the infinite mutual abuse of parties, tearing to pieces the best characters? It will NOT be the wise and moderate, the lovers of peace and good order, the men fittest for the trust. It will be the bold and the violent, the men of strong passions and indefatigable activity in their selfish pursuits. These will thrust themselves into your government, and be your rulers. And these, too, will be mistaken in the expected happiness of their situation; for their vanquished competitors, of the same spirit, and from the same motives, will perpetually be endeavoring to distress their administration, thwart their measures, and render them odious to the people.”

The only way that we will return to having virtuous moral men and women running for public office, will be to refrain from voting for the people put up by the parties as long as they parrot the parties’ line of thoughts. We must also be prepared to elect individuals not belonging to any party or affiliation. What matters most for the well being of the Republic is to elect individual patriots where the health of the nation and love of God means more than power, wealth and rule over the people. If we can manage to do this one thing, our beloved Republic stands a chance to recover.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Andrew Breitbart Is A Media Genius!

Credit given to Zombie at Pajamas Media...

Andrew Breitbart Is A Media Genius!

He proved it originally with his brilliant handling of the ACORN ‘hooker’ scandal which he skillfully manipulated so that the corrupt media was forced, against its will, to broadcast corruption in one of Obama’s most powerful political support groups. But Breitbart’s handing of that affair is nothing compared to his brilliant manipulation of the Shirley Sherrod ‘white farmer’ scandal.

It all began last Monday, July 22, 2010. As the country watched in horror, Breitbart released a snippet of a tape on his “Big Government” site which showed an obscure black female official of the Dept. of Agriculture laughing to a roomful of NAACP members about how she’d discriminated against a destitute white farmer and refused to give him the financial aid he desperately needed. As she smirked to the room, she’d sent him instead to a white lawyer – ‘one of his own kind’ – for help. The black woman was Shirley Sherrod – and almost immediately she became the center of a firestorm of controversy which exploded throughout the country. Within a day of the release of that infamous tape, the head of the Dept. of Agriculture, spurred on by Obama, demanded – and received – Sherrod’s resignation.

Breitbart had won.

But then seemingly Breitbart’s actions began to explode in his face.

As Sherrod screamed in protest, FOX News released the entire text of her speech last March to the NAACP. And there on tape Sherrod was shown supposedly repenting of her racism against a white farmer and instead championing his fight to win funds to keep his farm afloat. Within hours of that entire tape being revealed, the entire world turned against Andrew Breitbart. Conservatives throughout the country were enraged that he’d endangered their reputations by releasing a ‘doctored’ tape. Breitbart, they thundered, had dealt a fatal blow to the conservative media.

Only now am I realizing the real purpose for Breitbart’s release of that tape snippet. It was to allow him to cunningly trick the media into exposing one of the most shocking examples of corruption in the federal government – a little known legal case called “Pigford v. Glickman.”

Check it yourself at:

In 1997, 400 African-American farmers sued the United States Department of Agriculture, alleging that they had been unfairly denied USDA loans due to racial discrimination during the period 1983 to 1997. The case was entitled “Pigford v. Glickman” and in 1999, the black farmers won their case. The government agreed to pay each of them as much as $50,000 to settle their claims.

But then on February 23, 2010, something shocking happened in relation to that original judgment: In total silence, the USDA agreed to release more funds to “Pigford.” The amount was a staggering $1.25 billion! This was because the original number of plaintiffs – 400 black farmers – had now swollen in a class action suit to include a total of 86,000 black farmers throughout America.

There was only one teensy problem:

The United States of America doesn’t have 86,000 black farmers! According to accurate and totally verifiable official USDA 2007 Census census data, the total number of black farmers throughout America is only 39,697. Hmmm . . . by the official USDA 1992 Census data the US had only 18,816 black farmers!! Oops!

Well, gosh – how on earth did 39,697 explode into the fraudulent 86,000 claims? And how did $50,000 explode into $1.25 billion? Well, folks, you’ll just have to ask the woman who not only spearheaded this case because of her position in 1997 at the “Rural Development Leadership Network” but whose family received the highest single payout (approximately $13 million) from that action – Shirley Sherrod. Oops again!

Yes, folks. It appears that Ms. Sherrod had just unwittingly exposed herself as the perpetrator of one of the biggest fraud claims in the United States – a fraud enabled solely because she screamed racism at the government and cowed them into submission. And it gets even more interesting.

Ms. Sherrod has also exposed the person who aided and abetted her in this race fraud. As it turns out, the original judgment of “Pigford v. Glickman” in 1999 only applied to a total of about 16,000 black farmers. But in 2008, a junior US Senator got a law passed to reopen the case and allow more black farmers to sue for funds. The Senator was Barack Hussein Obama.

Because this law was passed in dead silence and because the woman responsible for spearheading it was an obscure USDA official, American taxpayers did not realize that they had just been forced in the midst of a worldwide depression to pay out more than $1.25 billion to settle a race claim!

But Breitbart knew. And last Monday, July 22, 2010, he cleverly laid a trap which Sherrod – and Obama and his cronies– stumbled headfirst into which has now resulted in the entire world discovering the existence of this corrupt financial judgment.

As for Ms. Sherrod? Well, she’s discovering too late that her cry of ‘racism’ to the media which was intended to throw the spotlight on Breitbart has instead thrown that spotlight on herself – and the huge corruption. Sherrod has now vanished from public view. Her ‘pigs,’ it seems, have come home to roost.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Free People Must Remain Virtuous and Morally Strong

Principle Two

A Free People Cannot Survive Under a Republican Constitution Unless They Remain Virtuous and Morally Strong.
by John Dummett Jr.

Prior to 1776 many Americans wondered if people were virtuous and moral enough to govern themselves. As far as they were concerned, corrupt and selfish people could never make the principles of Republicanism work successfully.

Benjamin Franklin believed that only moral and virtuous people are capable of freedom and self rule. He also believed that virtue and morality was a hard thing to maintain because as nations age they become corrupt which then requires a dictator to set things straight. This is unacceptable in a Representative Republic.

Morality is obedience to God’s mandate to exemplify the right conduct. Early Americans identified public virtue as a human characteristic akin to the ‘Golden Rule' "Do unto others as you would have done unto you.” This means that the individual should be willing to self sacrifice his or her own interest for the good of the community. A popularly based government can’t be supported without morality and virtue. Most Americans, however, thought that men were not moral or virtuous enough to make a republican form of government work. Fortunately for us, harsh and brutal policies of the British Monarchy in the late 1700s convinced enough Americans that there was enough public virtue exhibited in the colonies that Republicanism could flourish in America if given the chance.

Thomas Paine, who wrote “Common Sense,” assured Americans they were ripe for independence from British rule. Paine was certain that most Americans were industrious, frugal and honest enough and those who weren’t were few in number and could easily be overcome. Luxury and pleasure were easily combated at this time because most Americans were men of property and not easily swayed by the gleam of self indulgence.

In addition to a larger portion of the population owning property, over time, Americans began to feel guilty by their lack of public virtue, self interest and neglect in public affairs. A spirit of self sacrifice and reform spread throughout the colonies like a wildfire. As a result, the quality of life increased tremendously leading many to fear they would loose this new found prosperity if they did not separate themselves from British control and rule. A national purpose arose that animated all segments of colonial men and women.

The fear that British influence would erode away our sense of frugality and industry and leave us a cheap imitation of England was justified especially when all we truly wanted was to be free and independent from monarch rule. This forced us to declare independence and institute a form of Republicanism to suit our particular needs of government.

After the war of Independence many of our Founding Fathers feared future descendants would revert back to our old ways where virtue and morality took a back seat to luxury, power and despotism. Thomas Jefferson believed that virtue is never permanent and always needed to be continually exercised in the home, our schools and our churches. This is where the embers of virtue and morality are kept, allowing them a place to survive for future generations to discover and learn.

George Washington declared in his farewell address to the nation, "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens... Let it simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education...reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle." (Padover, The Washington Papers. Pp. 318-19.)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Rebirth of America

Written by Andrew Allison, given to me by my friend William Odom.

Today we have become a nation based upon a society of rule by man. The Constitution, once held in high esteem, is now often ignored, changed to meet the opinion of a judge, or considered outdated; whereas our Founders revered it and considered it a document written for the ages. In spite of the blessing accrued to the average American, many hate this nation's form of government and are dedicated to destroying it, while others are indifferent, apathetic, and could care less about its rapidly deteriorating condition. They seem to be materialistic and hedonistic with the attitude of letting George do it.

"The choice before us is plain, Christ or chaos, conviction or compromise, discipline or disintegration. I am rather tired of hearing about our rights and privileges as American citizens. The time has come; it now is, when we ought to hear about the duties and responsibilities of our citizenship. America's future depends upon her accepting and demonstrating God's government." (Peter Marshall, The Rebirth of America, page 205, 1986 Arthur S. DeMoss Foundation.)

I believe that earlier generations in America made mistakes, but nothing comparable to the betrayal and abandonment of the present one. We must reverse this trend if we are to survive as a free nation. It is our highest desire that the people of America will afford the time to read and study this book and implement the precepts in their personal lives and communities. It is still not too late to reverse the present trend but we must start now! "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was nor ever will be." Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Chas. Yancey, 1816, "The 5000 Year Leap: A Miracle That Changed the World, Principles of Freedom."