Friday, February 27, 2009

Ut oh...the budget is out. Look out below!

Jeff Schreiber once again hits the nail on the head on this one. Here's a little bit just to whet your whistle:
I am so angry right now as an American that, by God, I need to hit something. I feel a bit like a tiger in a cage, pacing back and forth, fuming, snarling, waiting for the next handler stupid enough to unlock that door.

The budget details are out. The White House calls it "A New Era of Responsibility." I ask -- responsibility to whom?

The American people are being pissed on and told that it’s raining. Our ship is sinking, but we’re being told they’re just drawing us a bath. We are being lied to over and over and over again and I, for one, am just tired of it.

Between the $410 appropriations bill approved by the House yesterday, last week’s commitment of $275 billion to artificially prop up homeowners too short-sighted or too gluttonous to realize their financial limitations, the president’s need for a $634 billion healthcare reform plan, and the $787 billion signed away for the latest attempt at a Keynesian recovery destined to fail like all other such plans in history, our federal government has spent or has committed to spend roughly $2.1 trillion in the past two weeks alone.
This is the link to the whole story:

I think maybe I'll move to Afghanistan and look for an empty cave to hide in. After all, Al Qaida isn't using them any more and sometime soon all the Hamas terrorists from Gaza will be "migrating" to the United States via the invitation issued by our usurper President Obama.

Jeff Schreiber isn't the only person who is angry. I'm angry enough to bite a ten-penny nail in two. Jeff wants to hit something. It is time for a citizen revolt, for outraged voters to be heard. I know there are more of us than there are of them, because they kill their unborn, help each other commit suicide, and practice "mercy killings," aka euthanasia. Fortunately for my Kansas U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative, they all voted "no" on the porkulus bill. I haven't yet checked how they voted on the "appropriations" bill.

Folks, people are organizing and getting ready to burst with protests. Again, I say get involved. America needs you to be involved. Each and everyone of you. There are many projects, and they are suitable for both the young and the not so young. You are never too old to get involved, and I would venture to say that you're never too young to get involved. After all, they're brainwashing your children in public school to be good little socialists. If you don't correct it early and immediately, you'll regret it.

Come on folks! Let's at least get out of the rain (see the quote from Jeff above).

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