Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saving America in Five Simple, Straightforward Steps

[Taking advantage of another stellar essay from the blogosphere.]

The Life and Liberty Report

By Tom Hoefling

September 12, 2009

1. Get your own heart and life right with God.

2. Fix America’s first principles of God-given, unalienable rights and their protection for ALL persons, born or as yet unborn, as spelled out in our Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, firmly in your mind. (Join yourself to “We the People”!)

3. Make a personal determination not to compromise in any way with any words, policies, or actions that serve to alienate God-given rights or which abrogate the clear provisions of the Constitution, to give any support to any candidate for public office who violates America’s first principles, or to let any outside party, factional, media, or money influences to in any way affect your political decisions, words, or actions.

4. Make a determination to by every means available find and politically associate yourself with other like-minded American patriots in your town or city, in your county, in your congressional district, in your state, and in America.

5. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. True American citizenship is a life-long vocation. No matter how long it takes, or how hard the task might be, make a determination to take all practical steps to restore every part of the government of our American Republic, at every level, to America’s principles, AND THEN, TOGETHER, DO IT!
By the way, I didn’t say they were “easy” steps. I said they were “simple and straightforward,” which they are.

Along with my entire family and all my friends, I have made a commitment to follow this path, no matter the cost. We believe that the only hope for our country is that millions of our fellow citizens do the same. We also believe that unless a sufficient number of our fellow citizens take these steps that our precious Republic WILL fail, for which our posterity, should there be one, will rightfully curse our generation and our names.

One last point: I do not believe that these steps are optional. I believe them to be the only possible way to save our country. I also believe that any individual who fails in any single point is part of the problem, not part of the saving of this great nation.

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