Friday, February 26, 2010

Is the U.S. really capable of self-government any more?

“Can there be an issue more vital to the people of the United States than the overthrow of the Constitution that embodies their authority to govern themselves?” ~Dr. Alan Keyes, Obama's Eligibility: The True Issue.

Hasn’t the citizenry of the United States been lax in governing themselves for decades? We didn’t elect a [supposed] president like Barack Hussein Obama over just one election cycle, nor was it in response to what George Bush did or did not do. Without morality, I submit that we lack the capability to govern ourselves.

The downfall of morality in the United States has been happening for more than 100 years, each generation falling a little further than the previous one. The sad fact is that most Christians do not know what moral decency is any more. Off-color jokes, sensuality in music, sensuality in skits and plays. I note with interest that the BTK serial killer and Dr. George Tiller were both church-going citizens who were trusted members of the church laity. What’s even worse is that the church-going public doesn’t hear the same “hell, fire and brimstone” sermons of past generations. Hell is an uncomfortable subject, and many times glossed over so as not to offend.

Our nation, our states, our counties and our precincts are in the same shape that our church is in. In order to change our nation, we must change the morality of it’s churches which will in turn change the morality of the nation’s citizens. In order to change morality, the churches need a “come to Jesus meeting”–and the sooner the better.

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